Ridhi Singh
Ridhi Singh
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Does Hair Loss Occur Due to Stress? Here is the Guide!

Have you noticed excessive hair on the brush or on your pillow? This is a sign of hair loss.

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Dealing with hair loss can be really bothersome, especially when one is unaware of what is causing it. Most of the time, hair loss results from male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. However, there are several other factors that cause or contribute to hair loss. One of these main factors is ‘emotional stress'. If one is feeling stressed due to their work or personal life, it is possible that this might contribute to either mild hair thinning or severe hair loss.

In this article, the hair specialists at Skinlogics Clinic have explained why stress can cause one to lose hair and how this can be treated. If one is searching for the best Hair Fall doctor in Noida, one can pay a visit to Skinlogics Clinic.

Before proceeding, let’s understand what hair fall is.

What is Hair Fall?

Hair fall is a common occurrence that has become very common in adults now. Human beings have a tendency to lose somewhere around 50–100 hairs in a day, on an average. Hair fall problems can develop over a year or sometimes all of a sudden, depending on the cause behind them. It can either affect the scalp or the whole body and can be temporary or permanent, depending on several factors. Any individual can lose hair on their head, but men are likely to experience more hair loss than women. It can occur due to medical conditions, hormonal changes, or as a part of ageing. However, the best part is that, in most cases, it can be reversed with the right medications and treatments. Although it is important to consult a hair specialist so that further hair fall can be prevented.

What are the Common Symptoms of Stress-related Hair Loss?

If one experiences hair loss due to stress or anxiety, one will notice the following symptoms:

  • Extra hair on the pillow and bedding
  • Stray hair on the shower and bathroom floor
  • Less density and thin hair

What is the Relationship Associated Between Stress and Hair Loss?

Can stress lead to hair loss in men and women? Yes, studies suggest that stress does impact hair follicles and cause hair to fall out. Factors such as physical and emotional stress and anxiety can trigger hair loss. Stress is greatly influenced by events like car accidents, hospitalisations, infections, financial strains, debt, the death of a loved one, problems at work, etc. Fortunately, stress-related hair loss only lasts for 3-6 months before it returns to the normal hair cycle.

Normally, there are four different stages of growth during the hair cycle.

  • The first phase is called the anagen phase, during which the hair grows to its full length.
  • The second phase is the catagen stage, where the fully grown hair follicles detach from the skin.
  • The third phase is the telogen phase (resting phase), where the new hair begins to grow to replace the old one.
  • The fourth phase, referred to as the exogen phase, is when new hair begins to come in to replace the old hair.

If one is losing excessive strands of hair on a regular basis, one can consult the experts at Skinlogics Clinic to get the best hair fall treatment in Noida.

What are the Types of Stress-related Hair Loss?

There are mainly three main types of hair loss that are linked to stress:

  • Telogen Effluvium: Telogen effluvium is a condition where stress causes the hair follicles to enter a resting phase. When one washes or combs their hair, these hair follicles gradually fall out over several months. The condition is not severe, though, and the hair usually regrows within a few months.
  • Trichotillomania: Trichotillomania is a condition where the individual has an urge to pull out hair from the scalp, eyebrows, or other part of the body when under extreme anxiety. Besides stress, this could also be because of negative options such as anxiety or depression.
  • Alopecia Areata: One of the main causes of alopecia areata, a condition that results in bald patches on the scalp, is chronic stress. When the body's immune system harms the hair follicles, an autoimmune condition known as alopecia areata occurs.

What are the Treatment Options Available to Treat Hair Fall at Skinlogics Clinic?

The treatment options for hair fall are determined depending on the cause. Before one begins with the treatment, one must consult a hair specialist to get a proper diagnosis. Hair fall treatment should be started as soon as possible, without any delay. The best results are obtained by combining various treatment options. The various treatment options are listed below:

  • Oral Medications: Vitamins and nutrients help increase hair growth. Some medications are prescribed by the doctor to block hormone formation, which causes hair loss in individuals. This also helps to restore lost hair.
  • Applying Lotions: The hair experts at Skinlogics Clinic recommend minoxidil rogaine to prevent hair fall. This lotion helps to regrow hair and increases hair volume by circulating blood in the scalp region.
  • Mesotherapy: This procedure requires injections of vitamins and growth factors that promote hair growth. It also helps to boost blood circulation over the scalp.
  • Dermaroller: A dermaroller is a treatment where a drum-shaped tool with small needles is attached across the scalp to produce micro-injuries. This causes the production of growth factors, which help develop new hair follicles.
  • Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC): GFC encourages the development of new hair follicles, which boosts hair thickness and volume by using growth factor concentrate from the patient’s own blood. This is one of the most recommended hair loss treatments. The results are highly impressive after only a few sessions. Usually 4–8 sessions are required, depending on the patient’s scalp and expected results.
  • Hair Transplant: A hair transplant is a permanent hair loss treatment to treat baldness. If there is permanent hair loss, no treatment mentioned above will be able to restore hair growth. A hair transplant is a procedure where the healthy hair follicles are taken from the donor area to the front areas of the scalp where there is baldness. It is recommended for males and females with a higher grade of hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia. It takes around 9–12 months to see full hair growth after a hair transplant procedure.

To avail the benefits of these amazing hair loss treatments, pay a visit to Skinlogics Clinic. The hair specialists address hair fall issues and restore hair to its natural state. They recommend the best hair fall treatment for both men and women, depending on the condition of the patient’s scalp.

Besides hair fall treatments, one can also consult the team of expert Dermatologists in Noida at Skinlogics Clinic to avail the benefits of dermatological procedures such as chemical peels, laser toning, acne treatment, laser hair reduction, and many more at the clinic.

For more information, visit Skinlogics Clinic today!

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Ridhi Singh