Jake slessor
Jake slessor
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How Are Rubber Bands Used For Braces?

You may have noticed that people wearing braces also had the elastics tied along with them. These elastics are known as rubber bands and are the best way to hold your braces in place. When you wear braces, you choose the rubber bands of your choice. You can also go with the contrasting color of the rubber band by selecting the color of your choice. If you still need clarification about how the rubber bands work and their proper use, then continue reading the article, as you will be reading about the main motive of the bands in this article.

What do the braces consist of?

You might have heard that braces consist of brackets and wires. Brackets connect to the teeth and secure the cables, shifting the teeth. At times, small rubber bands called ligatures are used on braces to secure the wires, and they come in fun colors, which are not the same as the rubber bands discussed here. Choosing the best color for braces is essential to making your braces journey interesting.

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At what point do the rubber bands become relevant?

The brackets and wires work together, applying pressure to your teeth to shift them into proper alignment. But at a certain point in your orthodontic treatment, your Orthodontists specialists of Florida may recommend rubber bands. These bands connect to the braces through small hooks on the upper and lower brackets. The setup can be vertical or diagonal; your orthodontist might provide a hook tool for easier placement.

Advantages of using rubber bands in braces

Here are some of the major advantages of using the rubber bands in the braces:

  • Using rubber bands in your braces treatment helps ensure your teeth are correctly aligned. You can choose rubber bands, like black braces color, for a bold look.
  • They assist in shifting your teeth into the intended alignment by generating tension.
  • Rubber bands for braces help maintain the right distance between teeth to ensure they align correctly and appear aesthetically pleasing.
  • These are necessary for fixing bite problems, like overbites or underbites.
  • This allows you to achieve your desired results faster and see your new, bright smile sooner.

Different types of rubber bands

There are three different types of brace rubber bands:

Power chains

Power chains consist of several bands linked together to create a chain. This elastic band can shift multiple teeth simultaneously and effectively close spaces or align crowded teeth. Power chains are available in various colors and sizes to suit your requirements.


These small elastic bands do more than make your or your children's smiles colorful. They are essential for your color braces treatment because they help apply pressure to your teeth by connecting brackets to your archwire. Orthodontists will regularly replace them during your visits to ensure that your braces maintain enough pressure to keep moving into the correct position.

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Elastics are giant rubber bands that enhance the tension on your archwire, enabling it to shift your teeth with incredible speed and effectiveness. Elastics may be recommended to correct a bite problem or close a space between two teeth.

In Conclusion

This article mentions everything you need to know about dental braces and the rubber bands your orthodontist will apply to your teeth to align them correctly. With the help of the rubber bands, the wires will be correct, and this will also provide you with extra force to move your teeth in the correct positions, which the braces cannot do without their help. You don't have to worry, as your orthodontist will guide you properly when using any of the tools. All you have to do is maintain it by following the instructions given by the dentist.

3 просмотра
Jake slessor