Hai Alen
Hai Alen
Sharing some health tips to everyone!
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5 aspects you need to care about when purchasing a fridge water filter

Refrigerator water filters are vitally important for American families. You can find this kind of service in almost every family. The water filters make your drinking water fresh and healthy and protect you from terrible diseases.

Many people often say they need to find the best refrigerator water filters. But the concept of the best water filter is too wide. In my opinion, finding a suitable water filter It's a better choice for us.

Finding the suitable filter need to consider a few factors, including if it is compatible with your refrigerator, the targeted contaminants of the filter, the price of water filters, and so on.


Every refrigerator water filter has its own compatible fridge. Don't be naive to think that a water filter can fit all types of refrigerators. It’s impossible for you to install the wrong water filter for your fridge.

Targeted contaminants

The main responsibility of refrigerator water filters is to remove the contaminants from tap water. Usually, manufacturers list the harmful substances that their water filter can remove on their website. The harmful substances that a water filter can remove are varied from one to another. For example, theGlacial Pure Filter1 EDR1RXD1, which can reduce more than 24 harmful contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, waterborne parasites, lead, chlorine, asbestos, industrial chemicals

Working life

Everything in the world has a lifespan. In a normal situation, a refrigerator water filter can last for about 200 to 400 gallons of water or use for 6 months.


I think It’s the most important factor for people when purchasing a new water filter. I have to say some brands are too expensive to buy it regularly. So this kind of water filter is incompatible with ordinary families. But the EDR1RXD1 of Glacial Pure is only $48.99 in 3PK.

Customer review

To some extent, the quality of the product can be revealed through review. Before buying them. Sometimes, You can decide whether to buy or not based on the reviews.

From the aspect mentioned above, you may know how to choose a suitable water filter for your family.

If you are interested in Glacial Pure, please click here.

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Hai Alen
Sharing some health tips to everyone!