Chrisial Ling
Chrisial Ling
Chrisial Ling is a digital writer based in Singapore. She is fond of writing about healthy foods and natural beauty products.
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What Makes Manuka Honey Worth the Buy?

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If you're a honey enthusiast or simply someone interested in healthy animal products, you've likely heard of manuka honey. This particular honey comes from bees that source most of their nectar from manuka bushes in New Zealand and Australia.

Due to its growing popularity, it's quite easy to find manuka honey from Singapore online or at nearby organic food shops. It can get rather expensive, but the honey offers plenty of value in return!

Let's explore some of the main reasons manuka honey is worth your money.

What Makes Organic Manuka Honey Worth It?

Protection from Infections

Manuka honey has high concentrations of methylglyoxal. The compound has strong antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can effectively fight many infections.

For example, you can ingest the honey if you suffer from pneumonia. Meanwhile, you can treat eczema and other skin infections by applying the honey topically.

Heal Your Wounds Faster

Applying organic manuka honey on your skin can also help heal wounds and burns. It also works against inflammation and contains antioxidants. This means it can help your tissues regenerate and relieve pain and swelling. The honey will also protect your injury from getting infected.

Manuka honey can also help treat diabetes or gastric-related ulcers.

But be sure to use pure, high-quality honey to experience its healing effects.

It's Good For Your Gut

Manuka honey is prebiotic, which means it's a source of food for good bacteria. Letting these bacteria thrive in your gut helps fight harmful microorganisms and boosts your digestive process.

Soothe Coughs and Sore Throats

Does your throat feel a little sore? It's a common practice to add a few teaspoons of honey to your tea or warm water to soothe it. But you amplify the healing effect with manuka honey. This will soothe your inflamed throat and fight any bacteria causing the problem more effectively than regular honey.

Improve Your Oral Health

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, manuka honey works well against dental issues like plaque, which causes gum diseases like gingivitis. It also reduces the bacteria in your mouth that causes tooth decay.

Things to Know Before Buying or Using Manuka Honey

Who Can't Use Manuka Honey?

Organic manuka honey has many health benefits and is mostly safe to use. But you should still be aware of the potential risks involved when using it.

  • People with diabetes should avoid taking manuka honey, as the product can make your blood sugar levels spike.
  • Those allergic to regular honey cannot use manuka honey either.
  • Pregnant or nursing women should consult their medical provider first to avoid complications. Parents shouldn't feed this honey to infants as well.

If you're unsure of what your body's response will be, try manuka honey in small doses first and observe for adverse reactions.

Find a Reliable Shop

You can buy Manuka honey in many Singapore stores, but how sure are you that you're buying a pure, legitimate product? Your safest choice would be to buy from a reputable organic store that carefully vets its products.

If you want to use the honey for treating injuries, look for one with a UMF rating of 10 or higher. UMF, or Unique Manuka Factor, is a special rating system that certifies manuka honey's potency and authenticity.


Manuka honey is a potent natural product that can help boost your overall health. Its healing properties make it highly valuable, so it's best to get your money's worth when you buy some.

Be sure to source yours from a trusted shop that sells genuine manuka honey here in Singapore. By doing so, you can have the reassurance that you can fully enjoy this honey's amazing benefits.

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Chrisial Ling
Chrisial Ling is a digital writer based in Singapore. She is fond of writing about healthy foods and natural beauty products.