Avinash Mittal
Avinash Mittal
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Pros and Cons of Teeth Fillings

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Teeth fillings houston tx are single or mixed forms of metal, plastic, glass, or other materials that are used to restore or fix teeth. One of the most common applications for fillings is to "fill" a cavity, or a section of a tooth that has been removed by your dentist due to deterioration. Fillings are also used to restore teeth that have been damaged by abuse (such as nail-biting or grinding) or that have been cracked or shattered.

What substances are used to create teeth fillings?

Teeth filling supplies consist of:

• Gold.

• Porcelain.

• Silver amalgam (silver, tin, zinc, and copper combined with mercury).

• Composite resin fillings are made of materials that are tooth-colored, plastic, and glass.

The sort of filling that will best meet your needs depends on the location and severity of the decay, the cost of the filling material, your insurance coverage, and your dentist's suggestion.

Do different filler materials have advantages and disadvantages?

Yes. The following are some benefits and drawbacks of the various teeth fillings houston tx materials:


• Gold: Some claim that gold has a nice appearance and lasts for at least 10 to 15 years.

• Silver fillings (amalgams): Less expensive than composite fillings, lasts at least 10 to 15 years.

• Tooth colored composite fillings: When compared to amalgams, shade can be carefully matched to the colour of existing teeth. It attaches to the tooth, adding stability, and is frequently used for repairs other than cavity filling.

• Cermaics/porcelain: more durable than composite resin material and more stain resistant.


• Gold: Costlier than other materials, may require multiple office visits to the location.

• Silver: Due to a larger range of expansion and contraction, it may require more teeth to be removed in order to create a cavity-sized opening large enough to accommodate a filling. It also gives the surrounding tooth structure a greyish tint and increases the chance of dental cracks and fractures. In certain cases, it may also cause allergies.

• Tooth-colored composite filling: It can cost up to twice as much as an amalgam filling, take longer to install, need more visits, and last for at least five years (as opposed to the 10 to 15 years of other materials). It may also chip off the tooth depending on where it is placed.

• Ceramics: They can be as expensive as gold.

How should I take care of my filled teeth?

You should maintain proper oral hygiene habits to keep your fillings in good condition:

- Cleanings at the dentist twice a year, on a regular basis.

- Use toothpaste with fluoride to brush your porcelain fillings houston.

- At least once each day, floss.

contact your dentist if

- Your tooth is quite delicate.

- You detect a cutting edge.

- If a filling has a crack or if a piece of the filling is missing, you may see it.

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Avinash Mittal