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Know your liver. Symptoms, causes, and prevention of Liver problems

Updated: Jul 7, 2022

Liver is both the largest solid organ and gland in the body. It’s located on the upper right side of the abdomen, just below the diaphragm and weighs around 1.5 kg in the average adult. The liver carries out more than 500 functions in our body related to metabolism, energy storage and detoxification of waste. It is a secretory gland because it has a specialized structure that is designed to allow it to make and secrete bile into the bile ducts. It’s also an endocrine gland since it makes and secretes chemicals directly into the blood that have effects on other organs in the body.

Liver problem is a general term that refers to any condition affecting our liver. There are various factors that damage the liver; viruses, alcohol and obesity. Over time, conditions that damage the liver can lead to liver cirrhosis, which can lead to liver failure, a life-threatening condition. Liver disease can be inherited (genetic), but early treatments may give the liver time to heal.

Types of liver diseases

Some of the most common types include:

  • Alcohol-related liver disease :- Regularly drinking too much alcohol

  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease :- Being very overweight may cause fat to build up in the liver liver

  • Hepatitis :- Catching a viral infection and regularly drinking too much alcohol

  • Haemochromatosis :- A gene that runs in families and may be passed from parents to children

  • Primary biliary cirrhosis :- May be caused by a problem with the immune system

Causes of Liver Problems

A) Infection

Parasites and viruses are the main causes of liver diseases, it infects the liver, causes inflammation which ultimately reduces liver functioning. The virus spreads through blood, contaminated food/water or close contact with an infected person.

The most common types of virus infections are:

· Hepatitis A

· Hepatitis B

· Hepatitis C

B) Immune system abnormality

Some diseases directly attack our immune system which later affects your liver. Examples of autoimmune liver diseases include:

· Autoimmune hepatitis

· Primary biliary cholangitis

· Primary sclerosing cholangitis

C) Genetics

An abnormal gene inherited from one or both parents can cause various substances to build up in our liver, resulting in liver damage. Genetic liver diseases include:

· Hemochromatosis

· Wilson's disease

· Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency

D) Cancer and other growths

Examples include:

· Liver cancer

· Bile duct cancer

· Liver adenoma

E) Other

Some other causes of liver disease include:

· Chronic alcohol abuse

· Fat accumulation in the liver (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)

· Certain prescription or over-the-counter medications

· Certain herbal compounds

Symptoms of Liver Problem

Liver disease in the early stages doesn't always cause noticeable signs, but once you start experiencing some symptoms, it indicates that the liver is already damaged and scarred. Symptoms sometimes vary and are dependent upon the exact type of liver disease a person is currently suffering.

Symptoms of liver disease include;

  • Jaundice

  • Abdominal pain and swelling,

  • Swelling in the ankles and legs

  • Itchy skin

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Dark urine and pale stool color

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhoea

  • Loss of appetite

  • Weight loss

  • Fever

  • Bloated abdomen

  • Abdominal pain in the upper right side

  • Anaemia and vomiting blood

  • Altered sleep pattern (awake at night)

  • Drowsiness.

  • Tendency to bruise easily

Preventive Measures for Liver Problems

Liver dysfunction can increase risks of developing liver diseases, metabolic disorder and type 2 diabetes. Thus exposure to harmful toxins and chemicals in the food and environmental pollutants can damage the liver and lead to its failure. Thus, early preventions can help the individual reduce the risk of developing any liver centric problems.

i) Maintain healthy balanced diet and consume multivitamins.

ii) One must quit smoking and drinking alcohol.

iii) Reduce intake of salty food and replace it with natural herbs.

iv) Regular exercise and maintain body fat.

v) Do get proper Hepatitis A and B vaccinations.

vi) Follow proper hygiene.

Liver plays a crucial role in our body system; thus, we must keep it healthy in order to live a healthy life. By following a good healthy diet, it benefits the liver naturally and allows smooth flow of blood via the hepatic vein. Plus adding a small amount of dietary supplement in our schedule will help us receive the essential nutrients which our body is currently lacking.

One such health supplements is,Silcroza Capsules’, a purely herbal product specifically designed to boost the liver and maintain natural hepatic functions. It flushes out toxic chemicals from the body, helps nourish liver cells and improves the liver functioning. With standardized extracts of Chirayita, Punarnava, Kutki, Guduchi, Sharpunkha, Tulasi, Turmeric, Methi, Silymarin, Garlic, Aloe Vera, Bala, Bhui Amalki, Quercetin and Licorice the capsules cleanses and safeguard the hard-working organ; Liver.

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