The dandruff is discomfort that affects the scalp, manifesting itself with whitish desquamation that covers the head. In this article, we will give you a complete guide about how to get rid of dandruff? The superficial epidermal layers form pale scales by dying and detaching, which can fall off, generating the so-called “snow effect.”

In addition to being responsible for mild or intense itching, dandruff is an extremely widespread imperfection. In fact, detaching itself during the hair’s brushing settles on the clothes, becoming very visible; for many, dandruff conveys a feeling of ” poor hygiene. ”

It mainly affects males up to early adulthood; it rarely affects people over 35-40 years old. Such indications must not replace the treating physician or other health specialists in the sector who are treating the patient.

How to get rid of dandruff: What to do

Dandruff can be treated or controlled quite effectively.

The first step is to understand what the trigger is. Usually, dandruff is caused by:

  • Overgrowth of a fungus called Malassezia furfur (Pityrospum); in most people, this infection is totally asymptomatic, but sometimes it can get worse and generate dandruff.
  • The microorganism feeds on sebum and hydrolyzes it, producing irritating fatty acids responsible for accelerated cell turnover. The most suitable solution is to use specific antifungal shampoos (see Pharmacological Cures).

Excess sebum is a significant predisposing factor. It can be caused by

  • A consistent androgenic hormonal flow: when it comes to an adolescent condition, it can resolve spontaneously, but sometimes it depends on primary hormonal disorders.
  • Excessive local sensitivity to androgens: there are specific pharmacological treatments to reduce sensitivity to androgens, but they mainly concern the hair follicle.

There are conditions statistically related to the onset of dandruff. These are

  • Dry skin: responsible for dry and itchy dandruff. It is necessary to use a suitable shampoo.
  • Oily skin: responsible for oily dandruff. It is necessary to use a suitable shampoo.
  • Psoriasis: inflammatory skin disease that causes large, itchy scales, including on the scalp. There are no definitive solutions, but it is advisable to contact a dermatologist to reduce acute manifestations.
  • Contact dermatitis: sensitization towards some substances contained in hair products. The solution is to identify the responsible molecule and choose products that do not contain it.
  • Cradle cap or neonatal seborrheic dermatitis: a disorder that occurs in the first months of life in the baby. It usually resolves spontaneously, and it is sufficient to prefer specific hygiene products.

Other predisposing factors are

  • The immune system’s weakness is evident when there are several close infections (for example, the acuteness of herpes labialis ). Suppose the immune system is compromised due to severe illness (such as HIV or EBV ) or intense therapy (such as chemotherapy ), how to get rid of dandruff. Is certainly a minor problem. On the contrary, if the immune system is damaged by stress, environmental factors, diet, etc., intervening on a diet can bring significant benefits (see What to Eat).
  • Inadequate nutrition: Many complain of excess dandruff during periods of poor nutrition. However, it is only a hypothesis and does not appear to be supported by any concrete scientific evidence. Some foods may have a protective function, but others are more likely to negatively affect (see What to Eat and What NOT to Eat).
  • Nervous stress: if dandruff appears in very stressful periods, it is obvious that the cure consists of psycho-physical rest.

Too frequent washing and/or too aggressive shampoos: dry and irritate the scalp. There are three solutions:

  • Reduce the frequency of washing.
  • Reduce the amount of shampoo.
  • Choose a type of shampoo that is not very aggressive and/or suitable for frequent washing.
  • Too little washing: they cause the accumulation of sebum and the proliferation of the fungus Malassezia furfur. Furthermore, they do not allow you to remove the skin flakes that tend to accumulate effectively.
  • Use of irritating or greasy hair cosmetics: low-quality gels, hairspray, and mousse are often involved in irritation or increased sebum. It is enough to suspend them or replace them with better products.

How to get rid of dandruff: What NOT to do

  • Use a shampoo that is unsuitable for the predisposition of your scalp ( oily or dry skin ).
  • Wash your hair badly, too often, or too infrequently.
  • Neglecting any excessive proliferation of Malassezia furfur.
  • Do not cure seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Neglecting psoriasis.
  • Ignore any forms of contact dermatitis.
  • Underestimate any impairments of the immune system.
  • Eating inadequately.
  • Please give in to nervous stress and don’t try to reduce it.
  • Use irritating or greasy cosmetics for your hair.

What to eat

Before listing which foods might be recommended to combat dandruff, let’s briefly describe the composition of human sebum: glycerides (57%), waxy esters (25%), squalene (15%), cholesterol esters (2%), and cholesterol (1%). There are also significant concentrations of antioxidants, such as vitamin E and coenzyme Q10.

These show different ramifications from individual to individual, just as the relationship between them is different. It is unclear how much nutrition can affect sebum composition, although the lack of essential fatty acids and antioxidants could significantly impact. Certainly, at least in part, the predisposition to dandruff has a genetic-hereditary basis.

The general food recommendations are:

Foods rich in omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated essential fatty acids :

  • Eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid (EPA and DHA): very active from the biological point of view. They are mainly contained in fishery products and algae. Foods that contain the most are Sardinian, mackerel, bonito, shad, herring, tunny, tuna belly, billfish, algae, krill, and so on.
  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA): compared to the previous ones, it is biologically less active. It has the same function as EPA and DHA.

Linoleic acid (LA): sunflower seeds, wheat germ, sesame, almost all dried fruit, corn germ, and related oils are rich in them. The derivatives are:

  • Gamma linoleic acid (GLA) and linolenic dihomogamma (DGLA): borage oil is rich in them.
  • Arachidonic acid (AA): peanuts and other nuts are rich in it.

Foods rich in antioxidants

  • Vitamin Treatments: The antioxidant vitamins are carotenoids ( provitamin A ), vitamin C, and vitamin E.
  • Carotenoids are contained in vegetables and red or orange fruits ( apricots, peppers, melons, peaches, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, etc.); they are also present in crustaceans and milk. Vitamin C is typical of sour fruit and some vegetables ( lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, kiwis, peppers, parsley, chicory, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.).
  • Minerals: zinc and selenium. The first is mainly in the liver, meat, milk and derivatives, and some bivalve mollusks (especially oysters ). The second is meat, fish products, egg yolk, milk and derivatives, enriched foods ( potatoes, etc.).
  • Polyphenols: simple phenols, flavonoids, tannins. They are wealthy: vegetables ( onion, garlic, citrus fruits, cherries, etc.), fruit and relative seeds ( pomegranate, grapes, berries, etc.), wine, oilseeds, coffee, tea, cocoa, legumes, and whole grains, etc.
  • Cradle caps associated with diarrhea and gaseous colic: eliminate foods potentially responsible for food intolerances or allergies; some are lactose and milk proteins.

What NOT to Eat

Foods rich in ” bad fats “: found mainly in fast food and other junk foods. As anticipated, many people report that they notice an increase in dandruff during periods of disordered and unhealthy eating.

They could be directly involved:

  • Hydro-forming fats (especially rich in trans-conformation chains ): hydrogenated oils, margarine, sweet snacks, salty snacks, packaged baked goods, etc.
  • Saturated and fractionated fats: fatty cheeses, cream, fatty cuts of fresh meat, sausages and cured meats, hamburgers, wrestle, palm kernel and palm oil, etc.
  • Alcoholic.
  • Foods are potentially responsible for food intolerances or allergies; some are lactose and milk proteins (especially in cradle caps associated with diarrhea and gas colic ).

How to get rid of dandruff naturally.

No more dandruff. Whether it is dry or oily, it is a widespread problem that affects around 50% of the adult population. The causes can be many and of various kinds. It can, in fact, be the consequence of severe stress, hormonal issues, etc.

The remedies dandrufftraditional include using a shampoo containing ingredients such as zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, coal tar, selenium disulfide, and salicylic acid, effective solutions to fight fungi and bacteria. Their presence allows dissolving dandruff in such a way that it can be easily removed. However, it is also possible to do it yourself.


Aspirin contains the same active ingredient (salicylic acid) as the anti-dandruff shampoo. How is it applied? Just crush two tablets and, once they have been reduced to a powder, they are mixed with the shampoo. Then leave the mixture on the hair for 1-2 minutes, then rinse well and wash again with a normal detergent.

Tea tree oil

A study has shown that shampoo containing 5% tea tree oil significantly improves the problem of dandruff. You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil to your favorite product. We then proceed, regularly, with washing.

Sodium bicarbonate: How To Get Rid Of Dandruff

Sometimes there is no need to go to pharmacies. Just open your home pantry to find what is right for you. Yes, sodium bicarbonate is a good example. We are talking about a beneficial ingredient to fight the fungi responsible for the onset of dandruff. First, you need to wet the hair and then apply a handful of baking soda on the scalp, massaging for about 3-5 minutes. No shampoo, you go directly to rinsing. Although the baking soda can make the hair dry at first, after a few weeks, the scalp will begin to produce natural oils, leaving the hair softer and free of those annoying white flakes.

Apple cider vinegar

Dr. Mehmet Oz sees apple cider vinegar as excellent anti-dandruff treatment. The acidity of the vinegar changes the scalp’s pH, making it more difficult for yeast to grow. Mix a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar with the same amount of water. Put everything in a spray bottle and spray it on the scalp. You then wrap your head with a towel, letting everything rest for a variable exposure time ranging from 15 to 60 minutes. Finally, rinse.


Even the mouthwash allows you to scream no more dandruff. Its antifungal properties help prevent the growth of that yeast responsible for the onset of annoying white flakes. You have to wash your hair with regular shampoo and then rinse with an alcohol-based mouthwash.

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Coconut oil: How To Get Rid Of Dandruff

Even ‘ coconut oil is an excellent treatment for dandruff. Furthermore, its smell is delightful. Before taking a shower, massage 3-5 tablespoons of oil on your scalp and leave it on for about an hour. Then proceed with the shampoo as usual.

The ‘ Coconut Oil NaturaleBio’ is the best proposal for Amazon. 100% pure, it is cold-pressed to preserve all its nutritional properties. It melts at temperatures above 23 degrees, so it can be presented in liquid, solid, or buttery form depending on the season. But its use also extends to the face as a makeup remover and to the body as a moisturizer.

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Even the lemon is not to be underestimated. Just apply 2 tablespoons of its juice on the scalp, massage and rinse, and then wash again by dissolving 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in a cup of water. Repeat the treatment every day until dandruff has definitively disappeared.

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Besides giving flavor to a thousand and one dishes, the common kitchen salt is also a panacea for fighting dandruff. Its abrasiveness allows eliminating those white flakes that so torment. Before shampooing, apply a handful of salt to dry hair and then massage it into the scalp.

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Aloe vera: How To Get Rid Of Dandruff

Aloe vera is an excellent remedy. Helps soothe the itch. This plant’s juice is applied, with a massage, on the scalp before applying the shampoo.

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The antimicrobial properties of garlic are perfect for killing the bacteria that cause dandruff. Crush the wedges and rub them into the scalp. To prevent a bad smell from remaining, the site suggests adding honey.

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Olive oil

With olive oil, it is possible to make a real mask. About 10 drops of oil are applied to the scalp before going to sleep and left to rest all night. Upon awakening, proceed with the shampoo. Et voila, by doing so, it will be possible to put a point to the problem. No more dandruff.

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Pharmacological treatment

Those used against dandruff are not real drugs but specific products (shampoos and lotions ) that contain therapeutic molecules. They differ according to the active ingredient :

  • Zinc pyrithione: reduces the population of Malassezia furfur.
  • Tar: slows down the cell turnover rate and is useful against seborrheic dermatitis. It cannot be delightful.
  • Selenium sulfate: slows down the cell turnover rate and is also effective against Malassezia furfur. NB. It is advisable to read the label and rinse thoroughly after use. Also, some products can bleach dyed hair.
  • Ketoconazole: It is a broad-spectrum antifungal and can be effective where others fail.
  • If shampoos and lotions prove ineffective, how to get rid of dandruff could be the clinical sign of more significant discomfort. At that point, some dermatologists also administer corticosteroids under prescription.