QuickBooks POS Client Cannot Connect to Server: Error

Considered to be an undoubted segment of QuickBooks, Point of Sale is an essential part and might have taken you […]

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Considered to be an undoubted segment of QuickBooks, Point of Sale is an essential part and might have taken you for dizzy rides, where understanding the types of errors wasn’t easy enough. Speaking of which, QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server is one such cryptic error that you might have seen and tried to solve hard.

QuickBooks POS Client Cannot Connect to Server

This article will be taking you through a detailed journey to help you understand about the QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error and tell you how to solve it.

What is QuickBooks POS Client Cannot Connect to Server Error?

If you still aren’t much clear about what exactly is a QuickBooks POS, this section is the one for you which will elucidate you on the same.

QuickBooks POS can be understood as a retail software that associates itself with a hardware application and permits you to bring along successful software integrations such as QuickBooks, Payroll, etc.

Jumping to the core discussion for this topic, the underlying reason of the QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error, let’s just understand how many versions does the software application brings along with it.

There are three known versions of QuickBooks POS, which are, Basic, Pro and Multi-Store. The QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error happens mostly because of the multi-user technical error.

Adding to this, there are more causes for the QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error to happen. The following section will further furbish on what might be the reasons for the QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error to happen.

Why QuickBooks POS Client Cannot Connect to Server Error Happens?

When you sit to dissect the causes for the QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error to happen, there might be surfacing more than you expected.

Here are the few ones listed below:

  • The server that you are using might not be compatible with a multi-mode use.
  • Your server is facing some network connection errors.
  • There is a dynamic IP that is in current use.
  • The configuration that has been done for Network sharing and folder permission has not been done correctly.

Thus, now it’s time to know how to fix the QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error.

Method to Resolve QuickBooks POS Client Cannot Connect to Server Error

There is not just one solution to fix the QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error but multiple ways can be tried out to resolve the same.

Since one of the primary causes for the QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error to happen is because of working on a server that is not compatible with a multi-use mode, the first solution is to set your server for the optimal use of a multi-user mode.

Method 1: Switch Company File to Multi-User Mode

  • Visit QuickBooks POS application.
  • Tap on File.
  • Under the drop-down, press Switch Company File to Multi-User Mode.
  • To check the error is resolved, close the QuickBooks POS application and start again.

Method 2: Change Advanced Sharing Setting

  • Go to your Control Panel.
  • Visit Network and Sharing Center.
  • Tap on Change advanced sharing setting.
  • Maximize network profile and hit Turn on from the Network Discovery.
  • Under the setting option, click All Networks.
  • Scroll to the Protected Sharing pan and tap on the Turn off Protected Sharing.
  • Once you are done, restart your system.

Method 3: Change the WSActivity file Name

  • Find the folder in which you would locate the stored WSActivity file.
  • Do a right-click on the file and change the name to OLDWSActivity.
  • Once you are done, close all running applications including QuickBooks and reopen it again.

Now when you face the QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error, you know what to do exactly!

To help you with resolving the QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error, there are multiple ways listed in this article and shall resolve the issue in the least time.

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Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

Are there any Specific Points to keep in mind while Resolving QuickBooks POS Client Cannot Connect to Server Error?

Yes, there are certainly few specific tips to keep in mind while resolving the QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error. Some of them are mentioned here:

checked Check the system requirements and match them with what you are using currently.
checked Before resolving QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error, consider rebooting your server and system.
checked Surf through all the ports and reboot all connections.
checked Check that whether the client workstation connection is properly connected to the server and the LAN as well and verify this connection to be stable.
checked Your computer usage must be in its Administrator mode.

Can the QuickBooks POS Client Cannot Connect to Server Error happen due to the Presence of a Window Firewall?

Yes. If there is a presence of any third-party application or Window Firewall which might be restricting the network, the QuickBooks POS client cannot connect to server error is might likely to happen.

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