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RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions

In Class 11 RD Sharma, there is a huge set of topic explanations as well as questions to answer. Keeping in mind the difficulty level, our subject matter experts have prepared RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions for free of cost. Those students who have been facing difficulties in answering the RD Sharma Class 11th book questions can refer to these RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions PDF.

It will help them to easily comprehend the topics and questions. Links to download the RD Sharma solutions as well as chapter-wise briefs are given in this page. 

RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions Chapter Wise PDF

There are a total of 33 chapters in Class 11 RD Sharma book and answers to all those chapters are available to download for free of cost in PDF. With the help of this, any science stream class 11 student who has taken Maths can practice questions for all chapters to build a strong conceptual understanding in the subject. 

Here in this section, students can access RD Sharma class 11 solutions Chapter Wise and the insights of each chapter about what topics to cover.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 1 Sets

The very first chapter of Class 11 RD Sharma maths is Sets which contains 8 exercises. This chapter helps learners to develop a deep understanding of the concept of sets. Important topics that are discussed in chapter 1 Sets are Union of sets, Intersection of sets, A complement of a set, Cartesian product of sets, Set difference. All these topics are ideal for students who study in State board, CBSE board or preparing for any entrance of competitive exam because the entire topics are mentioned as per the syllabus. Hence, students are advised to refer to the RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions and practice questions on sets as much as possible including MCQs.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 2 Relations

There are only 3 exercises in RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Relations. But practicing questions of those 3 exercises are enough to be familiar adequately with the topics that are discussed in Chapter 2 Relations. The discussed topics are Definition of Relations & Types of Relations. Basically, chapter 2 is intended to teach students about the connection between the elements of two or more non-empty sets. All the learners are advised to go through the RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions of Chapter 2 Relations - to understand and practice the questions that are mentioned in RD Sharma Class 11 Book.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 3 Functions

4 exercises of RD Sharma Class 11 Chapter 3 are based on the topics: Function & Types of Functions. There are about 141 questions in the entire chapter 3 Functions. Students practicing those questions time and again will be confident about the topics Functions. In order to help students study and practice chapter 3, we have provided here the direct download link of RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 4 Measurement of Angles

Students in the chapter 4 of Class 11 RD Sharma Maths deals with the questions based on Relation between degrees, radians and real numbers. Sexagesimal system, Centesimal system, Circular system are the topics that are discussed in this chapter and questions are asked from these. Some may find difficulty in solving those questions therefore, here we have provided the RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 5 Trigonometric Functions

There are a total of 3 exercises: 5.1, 5.2, & 5.3 in RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Chapter 5 Trigonometric Functions. The questions in those exercises are from the topics: Trigonometric Functions, Trigonometric Identities, & Periodic Function. RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions of Chapter 5 prepared by our subject matter experts are the easiest way to cover all the questions asked in the exercises. Links to download the RD Sharma Solutions are given on this website for free of cost.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 6 Graphs of Trigonometric Functions

Available 3 exercises give students lots of questions to answer based on the topics graphs of sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, cotangent and secant. Able to answer all the questions asked can help students to score good marks in the annual examination. However, those who struggle to comprehend or write answers by themselves can take help of the RD Sharma 11 Solution that is free to download and easier to comprehend. Each question has been carefully written in a stepwise manner. The solutions are given here on this page - they are in PDF file format.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 7 Trigonometric Ratios of Compound Angles

The RD Sharma Class 11 Chapter 7 Trigonometric Ratios of Compound Angles contains 2 exercises where questions are based on formulas. Sum and Difference Identities are covered in this section and questions are formulated based on that. A student can learn the whole topics of chapter 7 referring to the RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Book, however, the RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions prepared by Selfstudys experts are the best way to understand what approaches are required to write the answers.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 8 Transformation Formulae

Just like various chapters in Class 11 RD Sharma Maths, the chapter 8 has also 2 exercises that enable the students to learn two sets of transformation formulae.

Product to Sum formulas are:

cos(a)cos(b)= ½ [cos (a + b) + cos (a – b)]

sin(a) sin(b)= ½ [cos (a – b) – cos (a + b)]

sin (a) cos (b) = ½ [sin (a + b) + sin (a – b)]

cos(a) sin (b) = ½ [sin(a + b) – sin (a – b)]

Sum to Product formulas are:

sin A + sin B = 2 sin (A+B)/2 cos (A-B)/2

sin A – sin B = 2 cos (A+B)/2 sin (A-B)/2

cos A + cos B = 2 cos (A+B)/2 cos (A-B)/2

cos A – cos B = -2 sin (A+B)/2 sin (A-B)/2

The entire questions that are given in RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Chapter 8 are easier to comprehend with the help of RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 9 Trigonometric Ratios of Multiple and Submultiple Angles

Chapter 9 Trigonometric Ratios of Multiple and Submultiple Angles is one of the extended topics that are based on Trigonometry. Questions from this chapter helps students to understand the topics in more detail. For the practice purpose and the exam preparation, 3 exercises are given. Answers to all those exercises are elaborated in a crystal clear manner by our maths experts. They have solved the questions of RD Sharma Class 11 Chapter 9 to help students increase their level of understanding in the subject that will help them to perform better in the annual exam. Links to download RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions in PDF are given on this website.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 10 Sine and Cosine Formulae and Their Applications

In RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Chapter 10, there are various important concepts which have potential to appear in the final examination. In that case, students should never ignore such lessons and therefore, here we have RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 10 Sine and Cosine Formulae and Their Applications. With the help of this RD Sharma Solution, students can comprehend the questions based on laws of sines, cosines, projection formulae, Napier’s analogy and area of triangle, etc. There are two lessons that enable the learners to practice those questions.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 11 Trigonometric Equations

Solving the questions of RD Sharma Class 11 Chapter 11 Trigonometric Equations isn’t a rocket science however, students are required to have the fundamental or basic understanding in the trigonometric ratios. In this lesson, there is only one lesson through which students can practice the questions. With our RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions, a student can easily answer all the available questions in the given exercise. Below, we have mentioned some example of simple Trigonometric Equations:

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 12 Mathematical Induction

The core topic of Class 11 RD Sharma Maths Chapter 12 is Principles of Mathematical Induction. And the questions in the Exercise 12.1 & 12.2 are based on the same topic. Solutions prepared by our subject matter experts are one of the best methods to get help while solving the questions of Chapter 12 Mathematical Induction. The RD Sharma 11 Solutions are very easy to read and comprehend that enhances the ability of students to answer some of the complex questions too.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 13 Complex Numbers

There are 4 exercises in RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Complex Numbers. As per the definition, complex numbers are the combination of Real numbers and Imaginary numbers. Students will find lots of questions on Properties of Complex Numbers. Our RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions enables the students to tackle all kinds of questions asked in chapter 13 Complex Numbers.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 14 Quadratic Equations

In Chapter 14 Quadratic Equations, there are two exercises that contain questions from important concepts like quadratic equations with real coefficients and complex roots. Having a good grasp on these concepts and the problems given in this lesson enable students to score better marks in the annual examination. Here at Selfstudys, we have provided the RD Sharma Solutions for the chapter 14 Quadratic Equations. The solutions are very efficient and easy to grasp.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 15 Linear Inequations

The main concepts of Chapter 15 are Linear Inequalities in one and two variables. There are a total of 6 exercises in this lesson whose solutions are prepared by our maths experts and have provided them here in PDF. The solutions allow students to answer all the concepts-based questions in an easy to understand manner.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 16 Permutations

A total of 5 exercises which contain questions from various concepts like fundamental principles of counting, permutations, permutations under certain conditions, terms and notation of a factorial and more. In order to solve all the complex questions of RD Sharma Class 11 Chapter 16 Permutations, students can refer to our chapter wise RD Sharma Solutions is free to download in PDF file format.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 17 Combinations

RD Sharma Solutions for Class 11 Maths chapter 17 help students to tackle the questions that are asked from the Properties of C, practical problems of combinations and mixed problems on permutations and combinations. A total of 3 exercises are given which enable students to gain in-depth knowledge in the chapter and our experts have prepared the answers to aid students in comprehending all the questions given in the lesson.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 18 Binomial Theorem

In Class 11, Binomial Theorem is explained in detail where general and middle terms in a binomial expansion are covered. It is the core concepts that are discussed in this lesson whose answers are explained in step by step methods via the 2 exercises given in this chapter. Students are recommended to refer to the RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions to learn how to solve complex problems without any difficulty.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 19 Arithmetic Progressions

The topic Arithmetic Progressions can be confusing for some however, the use of RD Sharma 11 Solution can help students to clear their confusion. Because every single question has been explained by the maths experts in an easy to understand manner. There are a total of 7 exercises in this lesson that can help students to practice the questions based on the topics discussed in Chapter 19. RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions for chapter 19 is available here on this website to download.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 20 Geometric Progressions

General Term or nth term of GP & Sum of n terms of GP are the main concepts that are discussed in this lesson. A total of 6 exercises containing a variety of questions are available in chapter 20. RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions of Chapter 20 Geometric Progressions can be ideal for the learners to develop the understanding in the terms Geometric Progressions. As well as to practice a variety of questions on the topic.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 21 Some Special Series

Chapter 21 of RD Sharma discussed Some Special Series where the topics like Sum of first n natural numbers & Sum of squares of first n natural numbers are covered. RD Sharma 11 Solutions contains detailed and stepwise methods to answer the questions asked in this chapter. Every single question has been elaborated by Selfstudys maths experts to allow students to develop a deeper understanding in this topic.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 22 Brief Review of Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates

Cartesian coordinate system, distance between two points (), area of a triangle, section formula, locus, etc. are the topics that are covered in RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Chapter 22. With the help of the RD Sharma Class 11 Solution a student can easily understand and practice the questions based on the given topics. Not only this but, our solutions are crafted in a manner where students need not to worry to score higher marks in the exam because all the topics are elaborated carefully and thoroughly. Students can find a total of exercises in this chapter.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 23 The Straight Lines

There are 19 exercises in Chapter 23 so that students can have a thorough practice of all the questions and the concepts that are covered in the straight lines. RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions enable the students to easily comprehend the questions as well as understand the approaches required to solve them.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 24 The Circle

In this chapter the students get to know how to solve the questions based on the circles centre and radius are given. To solve such questions students can use various shortcut ot methods however, the Standard Form of Circle Equation: (x – a)2 + (y – b)2 = r2


  • (a, b) are the coordinates of centre
  • r is the radius

General Form of Circle Equation: x2 + y2 + Ax + By + C = 0 are used thoroughly.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 25 Parabola

Those students who faced difficulty in their classroom to understand the topic Parabola can refer to the RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions of Chapter 25 which will enable them to understand the concepts of Parabola in a much easier way. There are questions based on finding the equations. The RD Sharma Solutions of class 11 chapter 25 Parabola is the most efficient and accurate reference study material to understand and solve all the questions of Parabola.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 26 Ellipse

Ellipse Equation and standard form of Ellipse is one of the core topics that are discussed throughout chapter 28 of RD Sharma Class 11 Maths. Questions from all these topics are given in the exercises available in the lesson. RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions prepared by our subject matter experts are the best study resources to understand the methods to solve those questions with ease.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 27 Hyperbola

Standard Equation of Hyperbola, Hyperbola Eccentricity and all the basic level topics related to Hyperbola are discussed in this lesson. Students who refer to the RD Sharma 11 Solution can easily solve the difficult questions of chapter 27 Hyperbola. 

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 28 Introduction to 3D Coordinate Geometry

There are only 3 exercises in RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Chapter 28 but the concepts that are covered in this lesson are quite interesting: signs of coordinates of a point, distance formula and section formula, etc. The center focus of this chapter is the Distance Formula which has been extensively used throughout chapter 28. Signs of coordinates of a point are also given that are -

  • Quadrant (+, +)
  • Quadrant (-, +)
  • Quadrant (-, -)
  • Quadrant (+, -)

Referring to the RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 28 Introduction to 3D Coordinate Geometry are highly advised to the students to understand the initial topics of 3D Coordinate Geometry.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 29 Limits

Chapter 29 Limits has a total of 11 exercises that help students to practice lots of questions. Also, the topic limits is one of the challenging topics in class 11th Maths which require more attention from the students to understand the topics and implications of formulas of Limits. Referring to the RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions is advised to the students as it can help them to get the step-wise answers of all the questions. There are algebraic limits, trigonometric limits, exponential and logarithmic limits concepts which have been discussed in RD Sharma Class 11 limits solutions.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 30 Derivatives

RD Sharma class 11 derivatives solutions are the best reference study material to comprehend answers in the simple language. There are 5 exercises (Ex 30.1, 30.2, 30.3, 30.4, 30.5) which should be well prepared by student of class 11, if they want to score good marks in the exam as well as in the competitive examinations, they should refer to the RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 31 Mathematical Reasoning

RD Sharma Chapter 31 Mathematical Reasoning enables students to comprehend and solve the questions in an easier manner. Topics like Negotiation of a Statement, Compound Statement, implications and validity of statements are covered in this chapter. Questions on these topics are given across the 6 exercises to allow students to understand and examine their knowledge in the topic. Solutions of RD Sharma Class 11 contains precise and step by step answers to all the asked questions which are explained by our maths experts.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 32 Statistics

Questions on Mean Deviation, Variance, & Standard deviation are asked in RD Sharma Class 11 Chapter 32 Statistics. The whole lesson teaches students the methods of representing the data graphically and in tabular form. Based on those exercises questions are asked. There are a total of 7 exercises in this lesson that enable students to build a strong grip on the concepts and topics that are discussed in chapter 31. Solutions to all the problems asked in chapter 32 are given on this website. Refer to the RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions to download the PDF for free of cost.

RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Chapter 33 Probability

Sample spaces, random experiments, events, algebra and types of events are the concepts that are part of Probability. A total of 4 exercises in Class 11 RD Sharma Chapter 33 that covered the above concepts also questions are asked on the Probability formula. In Class 11, the Probability isn’t like a junior class probability, here in Class 11, the topics like statistical serious deficiencies and limitations are discussed. Hence, to answer all the questions available in chapter 33 our maths experts have solved them in RD Sharma 11 Solution.

How to Download RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions?

Those students who want to download RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions can refer to the following steps to download:

  • Open website or search RD Sharma class 11 Solutions Selfstudys
  • Navigate to the menu and click on “Books & Solutions”
  • Click on RD Sharma Solutions
  • A new page will open where students have to click on “class 11th”
  • And in the next page, they can download RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions for free of cost.

Features of RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions

The RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions provided by Selfstudys has full of features:

  • Answers are written in simple steps and easy to understand manner
  • Available to download for free in PDF
  • Proper use of formulas have been elaborated
  • Solutions to all the RD Sharma Class 11 Chapters are given
  • A logical approach on how to solve RD Sharma Class 11 Questions are given.

Benefits of Using RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions

After the use of RD Sharma class 11 Solutions, students will experience the following benefits:-

  • A comprehensive guide to solve RD Sharma Class 11 Maths that helps students to find the right approach to answer a question.
  • Access to the step wise solution of each question asked in RD Sharma Class 11 Maths.
  • A quick revision to all the RD Sharma Class 11 Maths


Need answers? Find them here...
A: Yes, Class 11 RD Sharma is enough for class 11 but for CBSE students, it is highly advised to go through NCERT Books.
A: RD Sharma 11 Solutions is a set of chapter wise and step wise answers for all the 33 chapters and their exercises.
A: There are 450 pages in RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Books including Volume 1 & 2.
A: There are 33 chapters in RD Sharma Class 11 Maths. Step wise answers to all these 33 chapters are mentioned in RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions.
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