Business Type:
13 Kitchener Avenue, Burswood Western Australia 6100, Australia

Captivate Connect is the leading provider of broadcast audio, music and data content in Australia and New Zealand. With over 20 years of experience, we continue to be at the forefront of technology in the delivery of our services. Our software integrates seamlessly with multi-line phone systems, analog, digital or VoIP platforms, enabling us to provide services to large-scale corporate and government entities, call centers, and small to medium enterprises. Our mission is to provide our customers with innovative audio content that is effective and relevant, while our vision is to be the most trusted provider of broadcast audio content in the region.

The music on hold and messaging industry has been using the same “time filler” tracks for 30 years, but now Captivate Connect is bringing them to account with its data-driven customer experience. No longer will you waste your customers' valuable time!

IVRs are used as the first on-hold message that customers will hear when calling your business. They can perform simple welcome functions, or else guide callers toward someone in need of their inquiry about whatever it is you're selling!

The standard on hold messages  is boring and unchanging. It's time for something new! We offer customizable, engaging messages that keep your customers engaged while they're waiting to speak with someone about their problem or question - just like you want them too right?