CBS Therapy
CBS Therapy
CBS Therapy provides speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and ABA therapy in our outpatient clinics. Visit now
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What is Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy aims to improve a person’s communication. Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are professionals who specialize in speech-language therapy. They must go through a rigorous university program, get a master’s degree, complete a 9-month clinical fellowship year (CFY) where they are under the supervision of a senior speech-language pathologist (SLP), get credentialed by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and then get their state license to practice. If you or a loved one is seeking speech therapy please make sure that the person you are considering has ASHA certification and state licensure for the state you live in.

A speech-language pathologist (SLP) will first conduct a speech-language evaluation for the client to identify how to best address the complaint. Once the evaluation is completed, the SLP will explain the results to the client or caregiver and develop a treatment plan. A treatment plan will contain goals and objectives that are created specifically for the client, explaining exactly what the client and SLP will be working on. Read more!

CBS Therapy
CBS Therapy provides speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and ABA therapy in our outpatient clinics. Visit now