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To find a dhol player online, there are a few steps you can take:

Search on Musician Directories: You can start by searching on musician directories like GigSalad, GigMasters, or Thumbtack. These websites allow you to search for musicians in your area and read reviews and ratings from previous clients.

Social Media: Check social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook for dhol players or groups. You can also search for hashtags like #dholplayer or #bhangra.

YouTube: YouTube is a great resource to find talented dhol players. You can search for popular dhol players and performances, or even find tutorials on how to play the dhol.

Google: Use Google to search for dhol players in your area or for online dhol performances. Be sure to read reviews and check the musician's website or social media profiles to learn more about their skills and experience.

Ask for Recommendations: Ask friends or family members if they know any dhol players, or reach out to local cultural organizations or event planners to see if they can recommend someone.

Once you've found a few potential dhol players, be sure to communicate with them about your needs, event details, and budget before booking their services.

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