Andrew Rihana
Andrew Rihana
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Spreading of information of the Forces of light is a key to today‘s possibility of change of this society and people who have this mission have the TELEINFORMATION field (see The Spiritual Path, messages 833, 838 and mainly 841).


Let me remind that a HUMAN WITH MISSION lets himself/herself be led by The Prime Creator of all and everybody and he/she spreads information of light in a non-violent, unforced manner and he works from his/her own free will and with LOVE for The Prime Creator of all and everybody. At this work, do not plan much in advance (the Forces of darkness with their IQ 200 do scan your plans, THEY CAN SEE EVERYTHING and they do countermeasures, whereby they are not able to effectively work with your information until 1 - 3 days, for firms it is several weeks – according to the size of that firm and delays of orders). In principle, do not organize with other people excessively, since this means distrust of the Creator and reliance upon Earth man, who often fails (I can confirm this from last 14 years of work). Cooperate with other people only when it is inevitable, and only on a specific task, if you have one specified. Mistaken are people who change these activities for something else (there are many alternatives of that ‚something else‘) and, especially, who expect. The information about how one fulfilled one’s mission, what one did and what one did not, will all who will advance to the fifth dimension of planet Earth learn as late as when they get there. It is not desirable to spread these information here, for the Forces of darkness would immediately effectively use them against Light. Working in anonymity (in a crowd) is very advantageous because one is under less load (burden) of testing by the Forces of darkness. If one spreads also his full name (perhaps even his address, phone number), he, from his own free will, triggers an avalanche of another tests (temptations) upon himself (these tests are results of the operation of the Forces of darkness) which he either manages or unmanages. Therefore, well consider this fact and consult with the Creator and the Cosmic friends about this before you do so (see The Spiritual Path – messages 819 - 847, here are listed all the tests and temptations). Moreover, be aware that there is always some degree of control by the Forces of darkness, but what is important is how big that degree is. The degree of the control changes in proportion to the progress along the spiral of the spiritual awareness growth. That is, a human in the sleeping point (initial point) is virtually 100% controlled, whilst a human in the enlightenment point is virtually uncontrolled. This is important to realize and not to marvel at it, because this is the truth. To the degree of progress along the spiral of spiritual awareness thus corresponds the degree of control (inverse proportion) and, at the same time, the degree of ability to cooperate with Light – the Cosmic people and the Creator (direct proportion).

In addition to the teleinformation field, the ability to process information depends also on the DEGREE OF SPIRITUAL AWARENESS. To this belongs the CREATIVITY and FLEXIBILITY at this work, too.

Information of light will be important even for the duration of the cleansing processes, when all information spread on lots of places will be VERY VALUABLE for people who slept before. People perform their mission at a VARIOUS measure and degree – according to their free will, from 0% - 100%.
