Amelia Wotson
Moldavite Gemstone Benefits, Healing Properties, Uses, Value, Cost, Zodiac Signs & More?
Moldavite is a stone that can range from light to dark green in color. Only in the Czech Republic can one find moldavite, which is a member of the tektite family. This exquisite and mystical stone is relatively uncommon. A sort of natural glass called a tektite is produced when a meteorite crashes the ground. The collision's rapid heat and pressure quickly melt the impact zone and cause molten silica clouds to rise into the atmosphere. The silica returns to the soil as Tektites when it re-hardens. The colour of the Tektites will vary depending on the original surface, while the Moldavites are an amazing bottle-green. When worn as a Moldavite Bracelet and Moldavite Pendant, it is really stunning. A particularly unique kind of Tektite found solely in the Czech Republic is called moldavite. A vitreous silica rock known as moldavite comes in blue-green and dark green hues.
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