Alisa Ang
What Happens to Our Fats When We Lose Weight?
Many people join weight loss programs in Singapore to achieve a certain body figure. This often means burning away a lot of fat. But what exactly happens to our fat when we lose weight?
Here's a quick overview of how weight loss also affects how you lose fat.
How Does Fat Loss Work?
First, we need to understand why we typically get fat when gaining weight.
When we eat more calories than we normally use to fuel us daily, our body stores the extra calories away as energy reserves. These get stored in your fat cells. If you don't use this fat surplus but continue eating more calories, your fat cells grow until they affect your body shape and weight.
You'll want to create a calorie deficit to lose fat and weight. This means consuming less than the calories you burn. When this happens, your body will use the stored fat as energy. You'll need to keep this up for consistent fat loss.
So Where Does the Fat Go?
Of course, your fat doesn't magically disappear from your body when you maintain your calorie deficit. It involves a complex process that metabolises the fat molecules. This creates two byproducts: carbon dioxide and water, which we remove from our bodies by breathing, sweating, and urinating.
Which Areas of the Body Lose Fat First?
The body parts that lose fat first differ for everyone. Some may notice a change in their face first, while others in their limbs. Gender often plays a role too. For instance, men usually lose belly fat first, while women take longer to lose fat in their hips and thighs.
You can't truly control which areas lose weight first, but you can influence how quickly your body uses the fat deposits.
What Are the Key Factors of Fat Loss?
Having a Balanced Diet Counts
Singapore's best weight loss programs introduce more food in your diet that supports fat loss, such as whole grains, lean proteins, and vegetables. You'll also have to eat fewer calorie-dense foods with little nutritional value, like junk food.
A healthy diet also controls the amount you eat so you don't exceed your daily calorie requirement.
Let's Get Physical
A mix of aerobic and weight training exercises burns calories and builds muscle mass, both of which aid with fat loss. While you don't need to join a gym to work out, their fitness instructors can help you do the exercises safely so you don't overwhelm yourself at the start.
You can also ask your Singapore weight loss program coach for tips on incorporating exercises into your weight management plan.
Start Changing Your Lifestyle
Other factors, such as stress and sleep, also affect how you gain or lose fat. So consider sleeping more regularly and practising stress-relieving methods to reduce your risk of overeating and having unhealthy meals.
Reminder: Fat Loss Differs From Weight Loss
Some people think fats are the only things you eliminate when you lose weight. However, you can also lose water and muscle mass, harming you in the long run. This is why it's also important to exercise, eat healthier food, and stay hydrated to maintain muscle mass and strength.
A reliable weight loss program in Singapore will ensure you lose weight and fat through healthy means.
Now that we better understand what happens to our fat when we lose weight, we also know more about what we can do to manage our weight more effectively.