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Spending Time With Ke Akua | Devotional Christian Page
If you looking for a devotional Christian page for Time with God then you are at the perfect place.
Here you will find weekly- devotionals from various members of the body of Christ here at KC. Each article has been gently edited by our staff and nothing posted here is intentionally controversial or in opposition to our core beliefs.
We hope that through this medium you will get a feel for the heartbeat of the people who have chosen to live together in this faith community we call Kawaiaha’o Church.
At that time, some people were with Jesus. They told him what happened to some people from Galilee. They had been burning animals as a gift for God. Pilate sent some soldiers to kill them. Jesus replied, ‘Think about those people from Galilee.
For more Devotionals and Articles, visit here: https://kawaiahaochurch.com/time-with-ke-akua