ADHD Therapy
ADHD Therapy
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How Can Parents Help Their Children Develop Their Speech?

By performing the following, you can encourage your baby to start talking:

They start making faces, yelling, and commenting about your actions as soon as you are born.

-Playing games that require interaction, such as peek-a-boo and singing nursery songs.

-Young children should look at picture books and discuss what they observe rather than reading the words.

-Speak slowly in brief, straightforward sentences. If your child is already speaking, consider using sentences that are a word or two longer than theirs. For instance, if your child only uses three words when speaking, try using four or five words instead.

-Letting your child take the initiative in the conversation and helping them develop their thoughts.

-Giving your child a lot of chances to talk and a lot of time to react to your queries.

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To aid with your child's speech development, you can also try to steer clear of the following:

-Avoid placing pressure on your child by asking, for instance, "What's this?" When there is no strain on them, kids learn better.

-Do not criticise your child for pronouncing a word incorrectly. It is better to say the word aloud correctly. Say, "Yes, it's a cat" if your child points to one and says "Ca," for instance.

-To allow your child to hear and listen in on your talks with other family members, reduce background noise, such as television.

Hire a speech therapy Sydney to help your child improve speaking.

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