Thomas Shaw
Thomas Shaw
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Ground Penetrating Radar Surveys

Check out our ground penetrating radar survey services. These are utilized to scan and guide below the ground obstructions and items for construction, geophysical and archaeological, regeneration projects. Get more information about GPR Surveys Southmead

What exactly are Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Surveys?

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveying is a geophysical method of discovering below the ground objects by sending radar impulses into the terrain. GPR scanning utilizes non-intrusive signals to get again a picture or map in the overall subsurface region. This permits us to detect metal stone and plastic-type material.

It's the perfect non-harmful means of learning just what the subsurface appearance like before any construction, regeneration or building project. As well as being safer, GPR surveys are inexpensive, efficient and dependable way of scoping your reasons.

Our Ground Penetrating Radar Survey Services

There exists a variety of ground penetrating radar survey services for all types of applications. You can view our GPR survey services below.

Chimney Flue Location Surveys

Ground penetrating radar scans can be a non-harmful and non-intrusive method. For that reason, no drilling or damage is concerned at all. We just use our equipment entirely on the surface areas of the walls and check out horizontally to map the region behind the walls. It is likewise fast to execute and supplies accurate outcomes.

Concrete Flooring Slab Surveys

It is feasible to survey concrete flooring in manufacturing facilities, complexes, production facilities, depots, and car parks employing ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys. Concrete slab thickness, reinforcing bar circulation, and other structural information might be established accurately making use of GPR without making use of drilling.

Locating Hidden Obstructions Surveys

One of your primary advantages of choosing GPR would be to discover hidden obstructions before beginning any construction work. Otherwise, leading to what is expensive and avoidable setbacks. Our GPR surveys could be requested to make a visual map associated with a important below ground obstructions, assisting to decrease general project fees.

Rebar Location and Mapping Surveys

Rebar location mapping is the method of developing a roadmap that reveals the locations of all the rebar in a concrete composition. Once the road map is made, it could be used to assist with the location of the latest rebar or verify how the pre-existing rebar is in the right location. Helping both minimize the time as well as money spent on construction.

Archaeological GPR Surveys

Floor breaking through radars will be the perfect path for archaeologists to help you survey a prospective archaeological site. These surveys may help identify the probably location of buried artefacts and identify any probable damage dangers all without having to bust the ground.

Finding Under-Ground Heating Pipes

GPR can be used to detect and guide the location of under-surface heating plumbing utilizing GPR scanning and imaging. Assisting to supply a visual counsel of what is below the surface area prior to task construction.

Pavement Surveys

Ground penetrating radar imaging is the best application for examining the floor beneath a pavement. This helps supply helpful information like finding coating interfaces, increased moisture content content and delamination.

Below the ground Void Detection

We provide an underground void detection survey through our ground penetrating radar mapping. Employing electromagnetic waves to penetrate the ground and bounce rear, we can quickly determine any underground voids, sinkholes and subsidence.

Application Location and Mapping Surveys

Assisting to unearth any electric wires, water piping, telecoms, drainage and more, GPR imaging is the perfect solution. With no need to split the floor, we could both find and map below ground qualities including cellars, chambers and obstructions.

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Thomas Shaw