Mashreq Capital
Mashreq Capital
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How sharia funds can help to expatriates?

You have heard a lot about Dubai banking and services which are quite attractive fo international account holders. Why is it so? This region is the most charming tourist place for visitors and thousands of people come here with their families. A large portion of expatriates is living in this region due to the best possible opportunities. Well,this is a chain to handle a situation regarding the settlement of outsiders.

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Shariah Funds

We need to look into the details. For example, you are living in a flat which is on rent in UAE while doing a job in a company. Every month you are bound to pay the rent with a fixedamount from your salary package. As most of the people have to support their families back at home, it’s difficult to cut salary. What’s the other option? You can have your own home using sharia funds. Most of the outsiders in Dubai or anywhere in the world wants to get his/her own home. This is a basic right for such people after years of working abroad. Also one deserves that but it is not possible without proper planning. You need to work smartly by evaluating a unique bank along with diverse services. By taking the services of the best savings account in UAE you can get your goal.

We will try to link this logic with an example. While your best friend having a home in Dubai and save much more than you due to no rent issues. It would be an extra edge to such residents because he or she already worked with complete discipline and consistency using savings options.

Following are the important tips by which you can make your residence in UAE:

· Keep one thing in your mind that you can have your place in UAE but only through smart working. You can send money to your home by working in Dubai and save a lot at the same time. We all know that majority of the workers in the UAE always looking for services like free money transfer to their home country. It is much difficult in the past but the situation is different with the latest innovations. You can save a lot and you still in the same place while doing your job.

· I have heard somewhere it’s never too late to get the right path because you can make your place in UAE. So make a plan and should start work on it. Top banks in Dubai provide you several ways to get settled in this region because they always need expatriates. One can take the services of a savings account or you can take the mortgage loan offers. You just need to open a bank account in Dubai, visit the official site of the bank, and check the rates.


For best rates, Mashreq bank is the most suitable option to take services such as best investment plan at the lowest rates.

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Mashreq Capital