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5 Advantages Of Getting Our Facebook Marketing Services In Lahore

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For the past few years, Facebook has been getting popular as a social media marketing powerhouse. However, in the current times, it is getting hard for businesses to get noticed on it. Apart from the high competition, another thing that makes it hard is the decline in the platform’s organic reach. And unfortunately, most of the Facebook Marketing tactics your in-house marketing team is following are not successful now. BUT, the good news is – with our Facebook Marketing Services in Lahore, you can catch the audiences’ attention once again.

When marketing a business on Facebook, our marketing team at Xcentric Services adapts the trending marketing approaches that are here to stay in 2021 and beyond. In this article, we have shared the Facebook Marketing tactics that are highly effective and currently working wonders for our clients. Let’s get through them!

Facebook Marketing Tactics We Practice At Xcentric

Considering the digital trends, every business needs to reconsider its marketing strategies. Hence, to help them get started on Facebook Business Marketing in Pakistan, our savvy marketing team practices these effective tactics.

1. Varying Type Of Content

Every marketing agency you will come across says that content creation is at the top of their marketing radar. However, the reality is that they often get stuck in a holding pattern. Most of them continue using tactics that used to work in the past and leave little to no room for growth. When providing Facebook Marketing Services in Lahore, the first tactic we use is keeping the content dynamic by using the 70-20-10 approach, which includes:

· Publishing original content of the brand 70% of the time

· Sharing the existing content relevant to audience interest 20% of the time

· Creating self-promotional content 10% of the time

In addition, we also include different kinds of posts in the schedule, such as static images, GIFs, polls, user-generated content, and videos. Usually, we post 4 to 5 posts a week for our clients – which are a combination of all the types of posts we have mentioned.

2. Facebook Business Page Templates

To get the most out of Facebook Marketing, a business needs to operate from an eye-catchy profile. Gone are the days when it was enough to create a business account on Facebook and post content.

Facebook now offers a variety of templates to create business pages. These templates include features designed to help businesses show content in a way that complements their business goals.

By selecting a template and creating an engaging Facebook Business Page for clients, the marketing pros at Xcentric Services prioritize their business information. For example, when creating a Facebook page for a retail client, we put up a SHOP NOW button. The button is linked to the client’s business website, which ultimately drives traffic to it. Also, the template we choose depends on the industry our client belongs to and the business type. In case a perfectly complementing template is not found, we customize the ones already available to fit our client’s business needs.

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3. Video Content To The Rescue

Video content is the future because every other person prefers watching videos online over static image posts on social media platforms. Even while targeting email marketing campaigns, whenever we mention the word video, the click-through rate increased. Hence, it will be no surprise if we said that posting video content tops the list of our Facebook Marketing Services in Lahore.

However, to get the best results out of video content, we make sure to keep it short and engaging. Normally, on the Facebook Feeds of clients, we post videos of 20-30 seconds only because they are watched while people are scrolling their feeds. There is no time for them to watch lengthy videos. Hence, the short videos we post are favoured. In addition, we also include catchy captions and subtitles with the videos, as most of them are watched without sound.

4. Including Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is a powerful application that is still not utilized properly by businesses. We at Xcentric Services believe that the tool has A LOT to offer – especially when combined with the chatbot technology for clients.

Chatbots are virtual assistants designed to communicate with the target audience businesses in a conversational way that sounds natural. Usually, we program them for our clients with information about their entire product catalog. This puts their products right in front of the potential customers and also improves customer service.

Technically, chatbots are easy to set up. Our team can set one up for your depending on how you want it to be – complicated or simple. Though in either case, it depends on the type of information you plan to provide and how much.

5. Augmented Reality Tools

Recently, new Augmented Reality tools have been implemented by Facebook to help advertisers in the Facebook Newsfeed ads. The audience on the social media platform can now try on wearable products such as makeup, shoes, and glasses within the Ads. However, targeting Ads using Augmented Reality Technology can be tricky, and of course, you will need help from marketing and tech experts.

Well, we have both at Xcentric Services and can add value to the online shopping experience you provide to your audience with Augmented Reality. It will not only help build a deeper connection with your target audience but also encourage participation. As a result, the audience feels more connected with a brand and converts to customers.

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Facebook offers a lot of value for businesses. However, other than just being on the social media platform, it is essential to understand how the changes in its algorithm affect a marketing strategy. Hence, by considering all the mentioned factors, we create promotional campaigns for brands and grab the attention of their target audience. Do you want our marketing team at Xcentric Services to do the same for your brand too? Hire us as your Facebook Marketing Agency in Pakistan!

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