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Vaikunth - Book Pandit Online
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Exploring the Significance of 7 Vows in a Traditional Hindu Marriage

A wedding is a sacred union between two souls and marks the beginning of a journey of a lifetime together. When a couple gets married, they become unified in the presence of their loved ones and the blessings of the Sanatan gods. The moment a couple sits in the mandap (altar) around the holy fire, they enter a mutual promise of staying by each other through the thick and thin of life by supporting each other in their own ways. In Hinduism, this promise is divided into 7 vows that couples take to affirm their commitment to this holy union.

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During this ceremony, Pandits chant Vedic mantras to invite the fire god 'Agni' to witness this unison of two souls and bless them for a blissful and prosperous life. The groom and the bride make promises to each other in front of God Agni and commit to each other for the rest of their lifetimes.

Weddings with Vedic vidhis (rituals) are significant to invoke the blessings of God and bless the couple. Book Pandit for Marriage in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Sonipat, and Meerut to conduct the wedding in the Vedic way.

Significance of 7 vows in Hindu Weddings

The bigger promise of committing to each other and supporting through ups and downs is divided into 7 holy vows that the bride and groom undertake under the presence of Sanatan gods. In this ceremony, the bride and the groom make promises to each other. First, the groom makes a promise, followed by the bride.

1. First Vow

Groom: Om esha ekapadi bhava iti prathaman

Here, the groom promises, "I promise to value you and provide you and our children with protection, a home, happiness, and prosperity."

In return, the bride promises,

Bride: Dhanam dhanyam pade vadet

Here, the bride promises, "I will take charge of our household and the family. I will provide you and our children with nourishment and take care of financial obligations."

2. Second Vow

Groom: Om oorje jara dastayaha

Here, the groom promises, "I will protect you, our children, and our children with all my might. I will stand with you through thick and thin and never back from my responsibilities."

In return, the bride promises,

Bride: Kutumburn rakshayishyammi sa aravindharam

Here, the bride promises, "I will share your responsibilities and become the source of your strength and courage. I will cheer you up in sadness and celebrate your happiness and achievements."

3. Third Vow

Groom: Om rayas santu joradastayaha

Here, the groom promises, "I will ensure that our household is prosperous, and our kids are well-educated, healthy, and happy."

In return, the bride promises,

Bride: Ava bhakti as vadedvachacha

Here, the bride promises, "I promise to love you for the rest of my life. All other men will be secondary, and I will always remain loyal to you."

4. Fourth Vow

Groom: Om mayo bhavyas jaradastaya ha

Here, the groom says, "Thank you for bringing holiness into my life and completing the incomplete part of my life. Let us have healthy, obedient, and respectable children."

In return, the bride promises,

Bride: Lalayami cha pade vadet

Here, the bride promises, "I promise to keep you happy and pleased with all my might."

5. Fifth Vow

Groom: Om prajabhyaha santu jaradastayaha

Here, the groom promises, "You will always be my closest companion, and I pray that god will bless you with the choicest blessings, making your life happy and prosperous."

In return, the bride promises,

Bride: Arte arba sapade vadet

Here, the bride promises, "I promise to spend the rest of my life with you. Your happiness is my priority, and your sorrow will be my sorrow. I will always trust you."

6. Sixth Vow

Groom: Rutubhyah shat padi bhava

Here, instead of promising, the groom is asking his bride, "You have filled my heart with happiness. Will you take the honor of being my wife and complete the last phera with me?"

Here, the bride replies,

Bride: Yajna hom shashthe vacho vadet

The bride replies, " I will consistently be by your side and accompany you in life's every journey."

7. Seventh Vow

Groom: Om sakhi jaradastayahga

Here, the groom promises, "I declare that I am wedded to you, and I will be your partner till the end of time."

Bride: Attramshe sakshino vadet pade

Here the bride acknowledges, "I have become your significant other and cherish our love and bond for the rest of our lives."


Marriage is a holy union between two souls. It is a thread that connects two families and the journey of a lifetime. Under the blessings of the Sanatan gods and their families, a couple takes 7 vows to commit to their significant others and begin a lifetime of togetherness. Hindu weddings reflect rich cultural heritage and the significance of keeping promises to each other.

Vaikunth is an online platform to book all kinds of Vedic puja, wedding puja, havan, satyanarayan katha, 16 sanskaar puja, and more. Book Vedic pandits in Delhi NCR with Vaikunth for a holy environment and fulfilling experience.

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