Usman Ajmad
Usman Ajmad
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Hady ritual of Hajj

‘Hady’ or ‘Damm al-Shukr’ ritual of the Hajj is the concept of sacrificing an animal by pilgrims of Hajj on the 10th day of Dhul Hijjah. Preforming Hady remains a Wajib ritual for those performing Hajj-al-Tamattu and Hajj al-Qiran, but a Sunnah ritual for those performing Hajj-al-Ifrad. Yet, all the pilgrims arriving with hajj tour 2022 in the kingdom should perform the sacrifice of an animal in order to make their hajj pilgrimage valid.

The sacrifice of an animal remains an expression of gratitude to Allah Almighty for having been granted the ability to undertake both the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages in the same journey through Umrah Packages all inclusive.

Religious Significance.

Hady ritual is an ultimate reminder of the great event of Prophet Ibrahim’s (AS) willingness to sacrifice his son Hazrat Ismail (AS) at Allah’s command. As Ibrahim (AS) was preparing for the sacrifice of his son, miraculously, Allah Almighty provided a sacrificial animal as a substitute. The Hady ritual of Hajj is originally in the Sunnah of this event.

In fact, for the people who aren’t performing hajj, animal sacrifice is still carried out in the form of Eid-al-Adha. Muslims from across the globe offer Qurbani.

Animals that can be slaughtered.

Its mandatory that the sacrificial animals should be treated in the best possible manner and no labor work should be obtained from them. Additionally, these animals must have to reach a certain age before their sacrifice can be carried out.

The animals that can be sacrificed with their minimum age is;

1.Goat/Ram (1 year or older).

2.Cow, Bull, Buffalo, or an Ox (2 years or older).

3.Camel (5 years or older).

4.Sheep (6 months or 1 year)

It’s prohibited to slaughter an animal for Hady or Qurbani which is;


2.Injured i.e., its horns, bones, or teeth are broken.


4.Visibly sick.

Remember that one can either opt for a sheep or goat (individually) or it’s also permissible to join up with six other fellow pilgrims (making seven shares in total) where each buys a share in a camel or a cow.

Where should the Hady be permed?

Hady can only be carried out in either in Mina city or in Makkah city. It is as per the sunnah and one cannot perform it in his/her home country. However, for Qurbani, it is permissible to perform it in your home country.

It was narrated by Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) in a hadith that, All of Mina is a place of sacrifice, as well as every road of Makkah, is a thoroughfare and a place of sacrifice.

These are some of the important facts to know about the Hady ritual of Hajj.

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Usman Ajmad