Truck andGear
Truck andGear is here to provide high-quality parts and accessories for your truck.
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Must-have accessories for every truck driver

Have you ever stuck out of the beaten path or on the wayside of an empty road? Even if this has never happened to you, none can guarantee it will not happen tomorrow or this weekend. That’s why you should be prepared for such a turn of events, especially if you’re a truck driver who spends plenty of time at the wheel. How can you do that? Inspect your vehicle before each trip and keep the following must-have truck accessories at hand.

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The list of automotive essentials or what truck drivers must have on the go

Whether you’re a weekend off-roader or professional truck driver, there are several automotive essentials that can make your life easier in the event of an emergency on the road:

1) Fire extinguisher

Safety is your number one priority, so a properly functioning Fire extinguisher must be within your reach if something happens to your truck or another vehicle on the road.

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2) First-aid kit

No matter what vehicle you drive, you must have a first-aid kit containing different bandages, sterile gauze dressings, and other essentials required by the law. You don’t have to purchase them individually because they are usually sold together as a kit.

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3) High-visibility safety vest

If you’re stuck on the road at nighttime, a high-visibility safety vest will make you easily noticeable to other road users from long distances. It doesn’t cost a bomb but may cost you a life if you neglect it.

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4) Flashlight

A Flashlight is not one of the must-have items for truck drivers that can save your life in case of a collision; however, it will save you a lot of headaches if you have to inspect your vehicle on a dark road at nighttime. Make sure the battery is fully charged before every long trip.

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5) Emergency flares or a reflective triangle

In case of an emergency, you should put them on the road behind your vehicle to notify approaching same row drivers behind you of an emergency.

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Truck andGear is here to provide high-quality parts and accessories for your truck.