Thomas Shaw
Thomas Shaw
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Indian Visas - Guide to Indian Visa Kinds

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In current years, there have been some changes made by the Government of India on the visas being issued to foreign nationals. There have been introductions of some new restrictions to the current visa offerings. Under can be a quick overview at the Indian visa kinds. Get far more info about INDIAN TOURIST VISA

Tourist: These are issued for travelling and sightseeing purposes and have a maximum stay cap of six months. In a new rule introduced in 2009 by the Government of India, it now restricts the re-entry to a gap of no less than two months to be able to curb visitors who re-enter with a fast couple of days break following six months.

X or Entry: This non-work visa is for foreigners of Indian origin and their dependants. With no restrictions like the tourist visa and this can be extended every six months with out leaving the country.

Employment: This visa is for foreigners who desire to work in India for an Indian registered entity. They are issued to get a period of one year and can be applied for renewal inside the country. Employment proof from the company and earnings of $25,000 or much more per year are the requirements. The only exceptions to this rule are for volunteers, foreign language teachers, translators, cooks and High Commissions and Embassy members.

Student: That is granted to foreign nationals who want to study in India at an accredited university. This also includes studies in yoga, Indian dance and music and Vedic culture. This can be issued for five years and may be re-applied for within the country. The "Yoga Visa" issued for learning yoga is also part of this program.

Business: This is issued to entrepreneurs who want to explore and setup business possibilities in India. These are a number of entry visas but are valid only for six months.

Conference: They are concerns to delegates and foreign dignitaries who've been invited by the Government of India to attend conferences.

Journalist: Experienced journalists and photographers connected with press and news agencies are eligible for this visa. These usually do not exceed three months.

Research: These are issued to scholars and professors who want to conduct analysis in India. This visa features a limit of six months.

Medical: Any individual planning to avail medical therapies at specialized hospitals for specific diseases are granted this visa.

Transit: This visa includes a cap of only 72 hours and is used for onward journey stopovers.

Visa application produced straightforward, pay a visit to the location of your selection without worrying regarding the visa.

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