Auto Refresh Page
Auto Refresh Page
Auto refresh, auto reload page or browser tabs based on custom time intervals. Chrome / Opera / Egde / Yandex.Browser extension.
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Auto Refresh Page: Show a longer countdown

Auto Refresh Page for Chrome lets you specify any number of seconds before refreshing the page. For example, you could refresh the web browser every couple of seconds, minutes, hours, or even once per day. A countdown timer is displayed on the icon in the URL address bar, so you can easily tell when a refresh is about to occur.

Auto Refresh Page can display the countdown timer on the icon, all the way up to four digits. This means you can watch the countdown timer from a maximum of 9999 seconds (if, for some reason, you actually wanted to refresh once every two and a half days all the way down to 0.

Just checkmark the advanced option "Show longer countdown" to enable this feature.

For example, you could set the refresh timer to 60 seconds, checkmark the option "Show longer countdown", and watch the countdown timer tick from 60, 59, 58, ... down to 0 before refreshing the page.

Here are some screenshots, showing the countdown timer in action.

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The above screenshot shows the countdown timer displaying 8 seconds remaining before refresh. If you set a timer higher than 10, only the final 10 seconds will display on the icon before a refresh.

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This screenshot shows 45 seconds remaining before a refresh. The countdown timer will tick down from 45, 44, 43, ... down to 0 before refreshing the page.

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This screenshot shows 235 seconds remaining before a refresh (which is about 5 minutes).

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This final screenshot shows 3600 seconds on the countdown timer (1 hour).

As you can see, the countdown timer lets you know when a refresh is about to occur. The font size for the countdown timer adjusts automatically to fit on the icon. Since four digits is about the most that can be squeezed in, the max countdown timer that we can actually display is 9999 seconds.

You can always set an unlimited number of seconds for a refresh, in which case anything above 9999 remaining on the countdown will be visually shown.



28 просмотров
Auto Refresh Page
Auto refresh, auto reload page or browser tabs based on custom time intervals. Chrome / Opera / Egde / Yandex.Browser extension.