Auto Refresh Page
Auto Refresh Page
Auto refresh, auto reload page or browser tabs based on custom time intervals. Chrome / Opera / Egde / Yandex.Browser extension.
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Auto Refresh Page: Refresh all tabs

When you checkmark the advanced option "Refresh all tabs", any time the current tab refreshes, it will also refresh all other tabs in the browser window. For example, suppose you have 3 tabs open. On the first tab, you checkmark the option "Refresh all tabs". Then you click "Start". When the first tab refreshes, it will also refresh tabs 2 and 3 at the same time. This feature is meant to be a time saver, allowing you to refresh multiple web pages, without having to explicitly turn refresh on for each URL.

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Auto Refresh Page
Auto refresh, auto reload page or browser tabs based on custom time intervals. Chrome / Opera / Egde / Yandex.Browser extension.