Auto Refresh Page
Auto Refresh Page
Auto refresh, auto reload page or browser tabs based on custom time intervals. Chrome / Opera / Egde / Yandex.Browser extension.
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Auto Refresh Page: Random intervals

Auto Refresh Page for Chrome contains many features to automatically refresh web pages. One of the features is the random refresh interval. While most users want to refresh the web page after a certain number of seconds, this advanced option allows it to refresh after an arbitrary number of seconds. Every time the page is refreshed, the random interval will change.

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Here's how it works

Open the Advanced options panel and checkmark the option Random interval.

The random interval is specified by entering a number to be used as the maximum random refresh value.

The minimum value is always 5 seconds. The maximum value is configurable by entering the number.

A new placeholder will appear in the time entry field: "from 5 to ...", where you must enter your maximum time value, after which the page will be refreshed.

For example:

  • from 5 to 20 = random interval between 5 and 20 seconds
  • from 5 to 60 = random interval between 5 and 60 seconds
  • from 5 to 100 = random interval between 5 and 100 seconds
  • from 5 to 1800 = random interval between 5 seconds and 30 minutes (1800 seconds)

Each time the page refreshes, a new random interval will be used, up to the maximum value that you originally set. You'll see the number in the textbox change after each refresh, indicating the current interval for this refresh.

To change the maximum random interval time, just enter the number in the textbox, and click Start.

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Button "Start"

5 seconds is the minimum random update period. If you want to provide a longer update period during random updates, simply specify a higher maximum value. This way, you are more likely to have more seconds between random updates.

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Auto Refresh Page
Auto refresh, auto reload page or browser tabs based on custom time intervals. Chrome / Opera / Egde / Yandex.Browser extension.