Auto Refresh Page
Auto Refresh Page
Auto refresh, auto reload page or browser tabs based on custom time intervals. Chrome / Opera / Egde / Yandex.Browser extension.
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Auto Refresh Page: Advanced options

Auto-refresh and auto-reload page or browser tab after any specifiс time. Install Auto Refresh Page with an advanced version to use powerful auto refresh page options.


Image for post

1) Any domain page

Refresh any page across an entire website domain.

2) Random interval

Randomly change the countdown timer after each refresh.

3) Clear cache

Clear the web browser cache after each refresh.

4) Show longer countdown

Show a longer countdown timer of the seconds, displayed on the icon.

5) Show notifications

Display a message with sound when a keyword is found in the page.

6) Get solutions

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7) Donate

Support developing.

8) Refresh all tabs

Refresh all tabs in the current browser.

9) Auto-click links

Automatically click a link, submit a form etc.

10) Refresh and run script

Automatically run a script. Use ready-made scripts.

11) Refresh URLs from a list

Refresh URLs from a previously prepared list. Each update is a transition to the next site in the list.

12) Specific time of day

Refresh at a specific time of day, using 12-hour or 24-hour format.

13) Refresh counter

Keep track of the number of browser tab updates.

14) Light / Dark theme

Change the theme depending on your preference.



144 просмотра
Auto Refresh Page
Auto refresh, auto reload page or browser tabs based on custom time intervals. Chrome / Opera / Egde / Yandex.Browser extension.