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Best Treatments That Help Remove Acne Scars?

Acne is a common dermatological condition that causes clogged pores, pimples, cysts, and other lesions. Acne can affect people of all ages, although it is most common in teenagers. Acne most commonly appears on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms.

When acne lesions heal or are removed, they can leave discolorations and indentations on the skin. Acne, especially if severe, can cause scarring. Scars can appear after acne has healed and vanished, and they might differ from person to person. Some people may have thin, flat scars that are barely visible, while others may have bigger, indented scars on their face or affected area.

Dr. Veenu Jindal, RasaDerm states that the look and texture of acne scars might vary based on the type and severity of the underlying lesions. Each form of acne scar may necessitate a unique therapy to restore the damaged parts of the skin and give it a smooth, clear appearance. Read on the latest article in which Acne Scar Treatment in Delhi offered at RasaDerm are discussed in detail.

What are the causes of acne scars?

Breakouts come and go, but the scars they leave might be visible for years. Acne scars are the remnants of angry pimples that form when the pore becomes clogged with a combination of excess oil, dead skin cells, and germs. This combination stresses the inside of the pore and can result in a follicular wall breach. This causes harm to healthy tissue and can leave a scar.

Types of acne scars

  • Ice pick scars: Ice pick scars are small depressions in the skin that frequently appear on the cheeks.
  • Boxcar scars: Boxcar scars are larger and have sharp edges. It is common on the lower cheekbones and jaw.
  • Rolling scars: Rolling scars resemble skin waves. They may necessitate repeated treatments to be effective.
  • Keloids and hypertrophic scars: Hypertrophic scars and keloids are elevated lumps of scar tissue that are often bigger than the pimple itself.

Factors that aggravate acne scars

1. Hormonal imbalances

When androgen levels rise during puberty in both boys and girls, the sebaceous glands under the skin enlarge and produce more sebum, or oil. Too much sebum destroys the cellular walls of the pores, allowing bacteria to thrive. Changes in hormones during menstruation, pregnancy, and the use of oral contraceptives can all impact sebum production, causing acne to develop or reoccur.

2. Oil-based products

The pores of the skin can become blocked by makeup, moisturising creams, lotions, and hair treatments that include pore-clogging sulphates, mineral oils, coconut and cocoa butter, and silicones. Look for cosmetics, toiletries, and sunscreens that are non-comedogenic, oil-free, and odourless. Laundry detergent contains harsh chemicals that can irritate sensitive skin.

3. Anxiety and stress

Psychological and emotional stress has a direct impact on hormone levels such as cortisol and adrenaline, making acne worse. Stress hormones cause the oil glands to produce testosterone, which increases oil production and clogs pores.

4. Certain medications

Acne can be exacerbated by medications including androgens, corticosteroids, and lithium.

5. Diet

Although people used to believe that consuming greasy foods and chocolate caused acne, a new study has discovered a direct correlation between a high-glycemic or high-dairy diet and acne. Acne has been linked to diets high in dairy products, sweets, rice, bread, potatoes, and pasta.

Treatments for acne scars:

Following are the acne scars treatment performed by Skin Specialist in Delhi, Dr. Veenu Jindal at RasaDerm.

1. Laser resurfacing

For people who want younger-looking skin without expensive surgery or substantial downtime, laser resurfacing is a popular option. Laser resurfacing is a novel and effective laser skin treatment that lightens and eliminates flaws in the top layer of dermal tissue, where the majority of the damage is visible.

It is a non-surgical, painless process for the correction of acne scars and other skin conditions. Additionally, laser resurfacing encourages the skin's natural creation of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are responsible for keeping the skin supple and healthy. Unfortunately, as one age, the body naturally generates less of these two proteins.


Sessions last 15–45 minutes, depending on the severity of the correction required. Most people require a series of sessions to obtain their desired appearance. An aesthetician puts the laser over the target area and administers highly concentrated pulses of energy to that area during a session. The laser does not use heat, thus there is little to no discomfort; however, numbing cream and nitrous oxide are provided upon request.

The laser is a non-ablative fractional laser, which means that it divides a single laser beam into numerous minuscule zones. This enables highly precise therapy of damaged skin cells while leaving healthy skin cells alone. Fractional lasers function on the skin's surface as well as the subcutaneous layers beneath it.

2. Microneedling

Microneedling treats acne scars and other skin issues by producing micropunctures in the skin. These micro-punctures serve to break away old scar tissue while stimulating collagen to help restore the skin’s structure.

A professional nurse will first prepare the skin by removing any lotions, cosmetics, or dirt. Following that, they will sterilise the area and use a topical anaesthetic to ensure the patient is entirely comfortable throughout the process. The microneedling device will then be gently administered to the relevant parts of the body. Each session lasts approximately 30 minutes, and most patients require a series of sessions to achieve the optimal results.

Skin will appear brighter and more youthful after a series of treatments. Pores will be reduced, and any scars will be less visible. Because microneedling increases collagen synthesis, benefits will be seen in approximately 6 months and will persist for up to a year; however, they will notice differences after their first session.

3. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is effective for minimising the appearance of scars, the detrimental effects of UV radiation, and other types of damage to the skin's outer layer. It exfoliates the skin gently with a moderately abrasive device, removing the thicker, uneven outer layer and male the skin look acne scar free. It also promotes collagen thickening, resulting in a younger-looking complexion.

Microdermabrasion has two key advantages:

  • It eliminates dead skin cells, which can block pores and give a face an aged, dull appearance. This layer retains much of the skin's regular wear and tear, so polishing it away removes those indications as well. A tiny vacuum is used to suction off the material that has been physically removed by abrasion.
  • Microdermabrasion therapy promotes healing in the newly exposed layers. As the production of healthy skin components like collagen and elastin increases, the end result can be seen as a renewed, youthful appearance.

Consult now Dr. Veenu Jindal at RasaDerm to get to know more acne scar treatment cost in Delhi.

Schedule an appointment today at RasaDerm to learn more!

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