Paul Walker
Paul Walker
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Empowering Women Across The Globe: The Journey of a Visionary Social Entrepreneur

In the world of sustainable development and social entrepreneurship, few names shine as brightly as that of Roxanne Joyal. A recognized leader in her field, Roxanne is a passionate advocate for women's empowerment and has used her expertise to create meaningful change on a global scale.

A Socially Conscious Entrepreneur

Roxanne Joyal is the CEO and founder of &BACK, a Fairtrade and ethically sourced coffee supplier dedicated to supporting women growers. Her innovative approach to business has enabled her to connect consumers in North America with women artisans from around the world, thereby giving these skilled workers a platform to showcase their talents and earn a sustainable income. It is through such initiatives that Roxanne has transformed the lives of countless women and their communities.

Creating Sustainable Change Through Innovation

One of Roxanne's most notable accomplishments involves the establishment of Bogani Cottages and Tented Camps. This unique facility in Kenya serves as a rejuvenating base for volunteer groups and is testament to Roxanne's commitment to sustainable travel. Following the success of this venture, she expanded her operations to include facilities in Rajasthan, India, and the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Moreover, Roxanne has led the creation of numerous socially conscious products, such as ethically sourced coffee and award-winning chocolate. These initiatives not only empower farmers to earn a fair wage but also contribute directly to creating sustainable change within their communities.

Uplifting Women Through Artisan Programs

Roxanne's commitment to women's empowerment is evident in the artisan program she founded in Kenya's Maasai Mara region. By offering over 1,500 women the opportunity to earn a sustainable income, she has made a significant impact in their lives and those of their families. Her efforts have been so successful that her products are now sold in 18,000 locations across North America.

Women's Empowerment: The Core of Roxanne's Purpose

At the heart of Roxanne's work is her unwavering dedication to women's empowerment. Every project she launches is imbued with this ethos, whether it's a new brand in the food and beverage industry or a luxurious travel experience nestled in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.


Roxanne Joyal's journey as a social entrepreneur serves as an inspiring testament to what can be achieved through dedication, innovation, and a deep-rooted belief in empowering others. By bringing the talents and stories of women in developing communities to the forefront, she has created a new narrative for meaningful gift giving. Her work reminds us that every purchase we make can have a profound impact on someone else's life, a thought-provoking notion that invites us all to be more conscious of our consumer choices.

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Paul Walker