Medy James
Medy James
OSYS Supply Pte Ltd is an office furniture solutions provider and contractor in Singapore.
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Interior design ideas for office spaces in Singapore (For 2021)

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Covid-19 took businesses for a not-so-thrilling ride in 2020, so what can they expect within the upcoming year?

Although things are calming down, certain trends are here to remain for the foreseeable future, and corporations got to adapt.

Distance Will Dominate

At present, it’s unclear when the Government will give the green light for businesses to return to figure at full capacity. But regardless of once they do, there's the lingering concern of health in fishbowl environments like offices and classrooms. This is often why keeping employee workstations separate is predicted to stay an enormous design feature. This will be a basic office reconfiguration or a complete revamp counting on your needs. Either way, it’s best to usher in the experts from the best office interior design firm Singapore for the most efficient office interior design for 2021.

Go Open Layout

Heralded for his or her innovative office space planning that maximized space and increased employee collaboration by breaking down traditional workstations, the open office is that the best workplace layout ideas. With the increase of Covid-19, many business owners were wondering about the long-term practicality of this design.

We’re here to inform you that this layout is here to remain. Like everything else, it simply has got to adapt to the requirements of the days.

This suggests limiting the number of employees during a shared space and taking proper reconfiguration measures for the nonce.

If these adaptations are met, open layouts are often social distancing friendly:

  • Workplaces with open layouts are easier for your janitorial crew to wash and disinfect
  • Employees are easier to space apart when new capacity percentages are observed and enforced
  • This design offers excellent ventilation just by opening some windows
  • Open office layouts are easily reconfigured with protective screen and barriers
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Flexible Furniture For the longer term

The best office space design for 2021 would be to bring in more flexibility, and this idea goes beyond work schedules and locations. The very nature of your office furniture, like the office chair Singapore must have the power to adapt to any circumstance. This is often why upgrading your cubicles to modern models is essentials.

The best thing about modern office furniture Singapore is that these new models combine the positive elements of both traditional office space design and collaborative layout.

Embrace Mobile Barriers

You can expect mobile barriers everywhere in every top office interior planning 2021 due to their dual functionality. Wheeled whiteboards are the mobile barriers of choice. They seem sleek, professional, and divide spaces while affording coworkers a useful brainstorming and organizational tool. They will even be used as temporary doors at individual cubicles, creating safe and enclosed workstations.

Read Also: Reform your workspace with the finest space planning tips

So, visit the top office interior company in Singapore and ask them to create a healthy yet efficient office environment with precise office space planning.

Leverage & Invest In Workplace Technology

Open concept layouts and remote working have redefined what a workspace is and maybe.

Technology is continuously shaping how we work, making it faster, more convenient, smaller and this is why 2021 is that the year to form the foremost of technology both to modernize your business and minimize your employees' workstations:

  • Providing employees with laptops or tablets to figure remotely will both decrease the number of individuals within the office and provides staff members a far better work-life balance.

Using floor-mounted wiring systems to make convenient and separate outlet stations within the office will give employees more options to figure out the office space.

32 просмотра
Medy James
OSYS Supply Pte Ltd is an office furniture solutions provider and contractor in Singapore.