Nortus Fitness
Nortus Fitness
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Security Precautions for Using a Commercial Treadmill

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Using a commercial treadmill requires some important safety precautions to avoid accidents or injuries. Firstly, always wear appropriate workout attire and supportive shoes to prevent slipping or tripping. Before starting your workout, ensure the treadmill is properly assembled and in good condition, with no loose parts or frayed cords.Next, start with a warm-up to gradually increase your heart rate and prepare your muscles for exercise. Never step onto a moving treadmill; always start it at a slow speed and gradually increase as you feel comfortable. While walking or running, maintain proper posture and avoid leaning too far forward or backward.Always use the safety clip provided by commercial treadmill manufactureror key attached to your clothing, so if you slip or fall, it stops the treadmill immediately. Avoid distractions like using your phone while exercising, as it can lead to accidents. Finally, after finishing your workout, cool down gradually and wipe down the treadmill.
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Nortus Fitness