Megha Kumari
Megha Kumari
Dr. Medha Bhave is recognised as the Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai practicing since 1996. Dr. Medha was born and brought up in the academic city of Pune. visit
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A Complete Guide to Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia, the enlargement of male breast tissue, significantly affects both physical appearance and emotional well-being. Contrary to the misconception that it primarily impacts older men, this condition can be particularly challenging for adolescent boys undergoing puberty.

Hormonal changes during this developmental phase can trigger gynecomastia, leading to body image concerns, self-esteem issues, and potential social pressures. This condition may deter affected individuals from engaging in activities that involve exposing their chest. Understanding and addressing the emotional toll of gynecomastia is vital, as it can profoundly impact the well-being of those experiencing it.

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To provide individuals with crucial information about the causes, procedures, and benefits of gynecomastia surgery, this blog has been drafted. The blog also sheds light on how this surgical intervention can help individuals regain their self-confidence and masculinity.

To make this post enriching, the information used to draft this article has been gathered from the insights shared by Dr. Medha Bhave, a renowned surgeon for gynecomastia surgery in Thane at Laser Cosmesis Clinic.

Continue reading to learn all about gynecomastia correction with male breast reduction surgery.

Understanding Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia, often present from birth, becomes more prominent during puberty when hormonal surges occur. Male and female hormones coexist in both genders, but an imbalance during this crucial period can lead to unwanted breast tissue growth in males. This condition can be emotionally distressing, causing affected individuals to withdraw from social activities, experience shame and fear of ridicule, and even see a decline in academic performance.

Gynecomastia Surgery Procedure

Gynecomastia surgery is a transformative solution that reduces breast size, flattens the chest, and enhances masculine contours. The severity of the condition dictates whether liposuction or surgical removal is used.

Liposuction is employed when excess fatty tissues are the primary cause of gynecomastia. It involves the insertion of a cannula through small incisions, loosening excess fat, and removing it through vacuum suction.

When glandular tissues contribute to gynecomastia, the excision technique is recommended. This surgical approach involves the removal of glandular breast tissues, excess skin, and, in some cases, resizing and repositioning the areola to create more natural male contours. Often, a combination of liposuction and excision is performed to address both fat and glandular tissue concerns.

Gynecomastia Results

When performed by qualified surgeons, gynecomastia surgery yields highly satisfying results. In some cases, fat from other areas, like the abdomen, can be injected into the chest muscles to enhance shape, a technique known as high-definition contouring. While this approach can be beneficial, it's important to remember that building muscle through exercise remains the best long-term solution.

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Gynecomastia surgery not only restores a manly physique but also boosts confidence and self-assurance.

The Consultation Process

Before proceeding with surgery, it is imperative to engage in a thorough consultation with the surgeon. This vital step entails a comprehensive discussion where the patient's expectations, desired outcomes, and concerns are carefully addressed. Alongside this, the surgeon evaluates the patient's complete medical history, including any drug allergies, previous surgical procedures, and other pertinent medical information.

Lifestyle factors, such as medication use, vitamin supplements, alcohol consumption, drug intake, and tobacco use, are also taken into consideration. To ensure precision and tailor the surgical approach, the surgeon takes precise measurements of breast shape, size, skin quality, and nipple placement.

Additionally, photographs are captured and included in the patient's medical records. This meticulous consultation process not only fosters a thorough understanding of the patient's unique needs but also forms the foundation for creating a personalized and effective surgical plan.

Preparation for Surgery

Patients preparing for gynecomastia surgery are typically advised to make certain adjustments:

  1. Medication: Adjust current medications if necessary.
  2. Smoking and Alcohol: Cease smoking and alcohol consumption.
  3. Blood Thinners: Avoid blood-thinning and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Ideal Candidates for Gynecomastia Surgery

The ideal candidates for gynecomastia surgery are:

  1. Physically healthy males with relatively normal weight.
  2. Individuals with realistic expectations about the outcomes.
  3. Males whose breast development has stabilized.
  4. Those significantly bothered by enlarged breasts.
  5. Healthy individuals not suffering from life-threatening illnesses.
  6. Non-smokers and non-drug users.

Medical Tests Before Surgery

Before undergoing gynecomastia surgery, several medical tests are necessary to ensure patient safety. An ultrasound scan assesses the extent of breast tissue enlargement and fat deposits, aiding in precise surgical planning. Routine blood tests and chest x-rays are also conducted as precautionary measures to confirm the patient's fitness for surgery.

Does Gynecomastia Surgery Leave Scars?

Modern gynecomastia surgery addresses a common concern regarding visible scars. Innovative techniques focus on scar minimization. The procedure combines liposuction to eliminate excess fat with glandular tissue excision, conducted through a discreet incision around the lower areola.

This approach results in minimal scarring, a significant departure from the conspicuous and extensive scars associated with older methods. Patients can now achieve a more natural and aesthetically pleasing chest appearance while experiencing a less invasive surgical process with reduced scarring, offering improved overall outcomes and enhanced self-esteem. These advancements underscore the evolution of gynecomastia surgery towards more patient-friendly and cosmetically satisfying results.

Is surgery the exclusive remedy for gynecomastia?

In many cases, gynecomastia may resolve naturally, especially if the enlargement is minimal and the individual is around 18 years of age. Weight loss can also help by reducing the fat tissue around the chest. Occasionally, certain medications can lead to breast tissue enlargement in men, and discontinuing these medications, if possible, under the guidance of a doctor, can be a solution. However, in most cases, surgical intervention is the primary treatment option.


Gynecomastia surgery offers an effective and safe solution for men struggling with enlarged or overdeveloped breasts. It can significantly improve self-esteem, allowing individuals to embrace a more confident and masculine appearance.

By understanding the procedure, its benefits, and the qualifications for candidacy, those considering gynecomastia surgery can make informed decisions that lead to positive, life-changing outcomes. If one is looking for a cosmetic surgeon in Thane, they can consult with Dr. Medha Bhave at Laser Cosmosis. Through her expertise in gynecomastia surgery, she strives to help her patients achieve their desired body shape and boost their self-confidence.

Book an appointment today!

Megha Kumari
Dr. Medha Bhave is recognised as the Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai practicing since 1996. Dr. Medha was born and brought up in the academic city of Pune. visit