Mark Justin
Mark Justin
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Figuring Out Why Your AC isn't Removing Humidity

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Apart from providing the desired cooling in our homes, air conditioners are supposed to remove excess moisture from the surrounding environment as well. Taking this into consideration, the inability of an air conditioner to control the indoor humidity is certainly a matter of concern, and such a situation can easily prompt anyone to hire AC repair Miramar services.

Now, if you are also facing the same problem, i.e. if your air conditioner is not removing excessive moisture from the indoor air, then surely there is some problem with a critical part of your AC. Further in this post, we'll try to figure out the four most common AC problems responsible for such situations. But let's first understand how air-conditioning systems control indoor humidity levels.

How does an AC reduce humidity?

In an air-conditioning system, the refrigeration cycle occurs when a chemical compound, known as refrigerant, absorbs heat from the indoor environment with the help of evaporator coils. Thereafter, this heat is quickly released into the outside air with the help of condenser coils.

The evaporator coil remains extremely cold during the entire process and hence, the moisture present in the surrounding environment liquefies when it comes in contact with the evaporator coil. Condensed water is then carried out of the machine by the condensate drain line. So, it's not too difficult to understand how exactly an air conditioner removes excess moisture from the indoor air.

Why does my house feel humid even when the AC is running?

If your air conditioner is running, but you are still experiencing high humidity in your room, it could be a sign that your device has one of the following issues.

  1. Your AC is unable to remove the humidity from the indoor atmosphere probably due to filthy air filters, because too much dirt on the AC filter might obstruct the airflow, which eventually slows down the condensation. So, the first thing you need to ensure is that air filters are in a dust-free condition.
  2. A thick layer of dust on the evaporator coil can also slow down the condensation process. You would need to hire professionals in that case, as cleaning of AC coil is something that requires special expertise.
  3. There could be multiple leaks in the refrigerant line, which may also contribute to indoor humidity. Make sure you locate and seal the leaking spots at the earliest, as it may cause serious damage to the entire machine if not fixed at the right time.

Some other problems can also be responsible for high humidity levels in your AC room, which means only a professional can spot the exact problem after a complete inspection of your appliance.

1 Ansicht
Mark Justin