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Sex dolls in the UK

A realistic sex doll is a great way to spice up and diversify your sex life. Sex dolls for sale on the website leeloodolls.co.uk made of either TPE or silicone. Sex dolls in the UK made from these materials have their advantages, which should help you make the best decision about which doll is best suited for you.

Silicone is a synthetic polymer made from a combination of various elements. Flexible silicone is dense in places, soft to the touch in places, which makes it ideal for use in sex dolls. It bends and retains its shape in various positions without breaking or being damaged.

Silicone sex dolls are more expensive than thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) dolls, but they have a number of advantages.

Silicone sex dolls look more realistic and detailed than TPE models, and have a softer, more elastic feeling when touched, which makes them more realistic and believable. They weigh more than TPE dolls, which gives them a more solid appearance.

Silicone sex dolls do not require special care, like models from TPE. You can store them in a dry place for a long enough time and they will not become sticky like TPE dolls.

Silicone sex dolls are easier to clean than TPE models due to their smooth, non-porous surface. Use soap and water or a sex doll cleaner on your dolls without worrying about damaging them.

Silicone is hypoallergenic, which means that it is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. This feature makes silicone sex dolls ideal for people with sensitive skin or allergies. Dolls are easy to clean, which reduces the likelihood of bacteria developing over time.

Silicone is more durable and durable. So it won't break down over time. Silicone sex dolls can last up to 10-12 years with proper operation and care.

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