Kyla - Energy Healing, Breathwork & Sound Bath
Kyla - Energy Healing, Breathwork & Sound Bath
Kyla is a deeply intuitive and compassionate practitioner specializing in Energy Healing, Breathwork, Sound Bath, Reiki therapy, Counseling, and Life Coaching.
Lis 3 minutes

Psychic Medium Sausalito CA

I am an empathic counselor and intuitive healer who helps women make massive shifts in all aspects of their lives. Common topics I cover include identifying goals and potential solutions to problems which cause turmoil, improving communication and coping skills, strengthening self-esteem, breaking bad habits, and prompting positive behavioral change. By giving personalized support and my full undivided attention to clients, I hope to guide everyone I work with to their highest and best self.

I’m extremely passionate about using my creativity, intuitive gifts, experience, and intelligence to lead on a path of soul-growth, healing, and self-discovery. Every exercise I recommend is grounded in love and empathy, and I strive to heal people from a variety of complex challenges, even challenges that may seem impossible to solve right now.

My unique spiritual approach and visualization techniques are sure to give people fresh insight and groundbreaking perspectives that will transform their mindset. I really make it my mission to zero in on the causes of emotional burdens, as these burdens can only be released once we know the “why”. My sessions are a perfect fit for anyone wishing to overcome their fears, get unstuck, and take control of their destiny.

"Here is a sneak peek from my upcoming book Spiritually Medicated. Visit my website for updates or to book your healing session."

I want to normalize crying as an adult for men and women. Babies cry and deal with their shit right then and there, when it happens. Something upsets them, they cry. Something hurts, they cry. Outside of that, they are a bundle of joy, happy as a clam. Everything is funny to them, they are curious about everything. Their eyes are full of wonder and amazement as if everything is a miracle. That my friend, is how we should be feeling all the time, but the adult experience is far from that of a baby’s life.

As we get older, we are taught by our parents, school, siblings and friends that crying is not an appropriate response to events and circumstances. Our emotions are stuffed down by rules, social norms and expectations. Crying is seen as weak, an embarrassing scene, something to be disciplined or punished and past a certain age it’s not acceptable as a way to express physical pain or disappointment. I spent most of my life stuffing down my emotions, keeping my words and thoughts to myself for fear of not fitting in and needing to win the approval of my friends and lovers. I was afraid of hurting other people’s feelings and I could barely articulate my own feelings without bursting into tears and embarrassing myself, so I kept everything bottled up inside and put others’ needs ahead of my own until I found myself empty, unhappy and full of anxiety daily.

I had all these feelings of not being good enough and the more I told myself this, the more my reality reconfirmed and reflected back that I was indeed, not good enough. I did all of this unconsciously of course, because we are programmed to do so. It’s better to give than receive, and certainly I should keep my thoughts to myself because nobody wants negativity around - that’s undesirable, that’s drama, that’s not zen and law of attraction. After all, like attracts like and what you give out comes right back. Bullshit - at least, that’s not the whole story of how energy and attraction and manifestation works. Repressed emotion only manifests into anger, resentment and diseases in the body and it is damn near impossible to give love from a cup that is totally empty. Suffering in silence is not sexy.

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Kyla - Energy Healing, Breathwork & Sound Bath
Kyla is a deeply intuitive and compassionate practitioner specializing in Energy Healing, Breathwork, Sound Bath, Reiki therapy, Counseling, and Life Coaching.