Karen Sanders
Karen Sanders
Lis 3 minutes


Since the 1980s, ITIL has set standards for best practices in service management. ITIL has endured as new approaches develop, such as DevOps and Agile. Everywhere, countless myths about ITIL have proliferated. This blog entry takes up 5 of the biggest myths about ITIL and dispels any misconceptions.

ITIL should only be implemented by IT service providers

ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library, but that doesn't make it exclusive to IT companies. The successful integration of a company's IT with its business goals is at the heart of ITIL. ITIL is about moving the service from reactive to proactive. In other words, minimize the time spent fighting fires such as system failures and devote it to finding ways to improve. These benefits are applicable to all types of businesses. ITIL counts among its success stories Disney, Shell Oil, Boeing and many others. For a more detailed look at the benefits of ITIL, click here to see what it can do for your organization.

Only senior executives need to achieve ITIL certification

ITIL advises business leaders and managers on fully integrated long-term strategies. However, that doesn't mean that only those with a seat at the strategic table should achieve ITIL certification. The most successful companies have integrated ITIL at all levels. Therefore, everyone should become ITIL certified, including frontline service personnel. ITIL has advantages at both organizational and individual level. Anyone looking for career or networking opportunities should consider an ITIL certification.

Businesses get the most from ITIL when they implement it in its entirety

It's a big myth about ITIL. A criticism of ITIL is that it is ill-equipped to cope with today's demands for agility. This will be explored later in this blog post. Those who believe this to be true often think they need to embrace all aspects of ITIL. They think they should reject a process that has always worked well in favor of its ITIL equivalent. This is a fundamental misconception of ITIL. It has always been in fact a customizable framework.

Visit Also: Prince2 Agile

ITIL will quickly transform your organization

This myth goes hand in hand with the previous one. Unfortunately, some organizations are either not equipped or unwilling to address deep-rooted issues. These issues may be part of their organizational structure or their corporate culture. ITIL is sure to help identify and fix these issues, but not as a quick fix. ITIL succeeds when everyone is working to achieve it. There must be a culture of accountability in the strategic identification of ITIL. When done right, the benefits will be both obvious and abundant.

ITIL is obsolete, companies should consider DevOps instead

Those who call ITIL obsolete, often subscribe to a conflict between ITIL and DevOps. Generally speaking, DevOps agility is said to be more suited to the demands of today's industry. As such, it should eventually eclipse ITIL. While the first concept has some merit, the second ignores the adaptable nature of ITIL. After all, it has already withstood two decades of technological change. Why is ITIL suddenly unable to adapt to change? Those who see DevOps as the “new ITIL” should focus less on the differences in favor of the similarities. This is explored in much more depth in one of our previous blog posts, "ITIL vs DevOps: An Imaginary Conflict?"

The reason it is so important to dispel the myths about ITIL is that people can make the best decision for their goals. We want people to be fully informed about what they can get out of an ITIL certification. If you want to start your ITIL adventure, click here to find out more about our range of courses. If you have further questions about ITIL, click here to contact us.

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Karen Sanders