Jonathan Rodriguez
Jonathan Rodriguez
Contact Us Now: 1 (866) 522 8394 The Leading Professionals In Impact Windows And Doors In South Florida. Let Us Prove It To You!
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How to Secure Your Home during Hurricane Season

Hurricanes are one of the biggest threats to your home. Every year we are dealing with the possibility of major storms impacting our region. The situation becomes worse when we have several storms passing through the area.

The best way to protect yourself is to do certain things that will protect your home. Here are some ideas on how you can protect your home and be ready for hurricanes.

Focus on the Most Vulnerable Areas

During a hurricane, there will be large amounts of rain and wind. This can cause branches and excessive water to come running down on your home. Several of the different areas you want to look at include

  • Evaluating the trees: Look around your yard and see if you have any large trees with branches hanging down or leaning towards the house. You want to trim or remove these trees away from your home. This prevents the high winds from uprooting the trees and crashing down onto your home.
  • Clean your gutters and outdoor drainage: You want to make sure that your gutters and outdoor drains are clear. Tremendous amounts of water and dirt will pass through both and any blockage could cause damage to your home.

Addressing these vulnerable areas will ensure that you are ready for any hurricane by planning ahead.

The Windows and Doors

Your windows and doors will see extensive damage from flying debris and water. You want to replace both with hurricane impact windows and doors. These are shatter-proof and have a double pane that prevents water from coming inside.

An aluminum frame surrounds these hurricane impact windows and doors. You don’t have to worry about anything coming into your home from these areas.

The costs of replacing these parts of your home are competitive compared to traditional options. You will save more money and secure your home against any adverse weather events. Now is the time to think ahead so you are ready for anything that happens.

You will see lower insurance premiums by installing hurricane impact windows and doors. Your insurance carrier knows the costs of these storms, and they will see that you are taking steps to reduce them. This means that they will come out, assess the situation, and rate you lower.

You will save money and get the protection you need to be ready for any weather event. Your windows and doors are some of the most vulnerable areas of your home, and you want to secure them. A little planning goes a long way in making sure that you don’t have extensive damages when these events occur.

Thinking Ahead Makes All the Difference!

The best way to secure your home during hurricane season is to plan ahead. These are some of the ways you can ensure that you are ready.

You can sit back and relax when everyone else is running around trying to buy plywood and other materials. This is when it is too late, and you will avoid the mad rush because you planned in advance. Being prepared is the most critical factor for securing your home during hurricane season.

Jonathan Rodriguez
Contact Us Now: 1 (866) 522 8394 The Leading Professionals In Impact Windows And Doors In South Florida. Let Us Prove It To You!