Joe Bradley
Joe Bradley
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Questions You Must Ask a Dog Trainer

Denver dog training is crucial for every pet owner. It helps to keep your fur baby safe in certain situations, cope with stressful experiences and build a stronger and deeper bond. However, before you sign your puppy up for a training class, you must ask all the necessary questions and clear all your doubts.

When hiring a Denver dog trainer, there are specific questions you should ask them. It will give you a clear understanding of their service and how well they will treat your canine friend. We bring five essential questions you must ask the dog trainer before hiring them.

For How Many Years Have You Been Training Dogs?

It would be best to ask a dog trainer how long they have been training canines. Discuss how much experience they have in producing positive behavior changes and offering obedience training to the puppy. An experienced trainer has worked with different breeds, ages, and temperaments of dogs. They should attend additional courses to understand the canine better and offer the best training. Hire a professional whose experience matches your requirements.

What Type of Dog Training Have You Been Involved In?

Within a dog training community, they are a wide range of fields, including:

  • Competition
  • Obedience
  • Agility
  • Nose work
  • Search and rescue
  • Working dogs such as police and K9
  • Behavior modification of fear-based or aggressive behavior

Ensure that the trainer you are working with has experience dealing with the behavior problems or goals you seek. For instance, an experienced police K9 trainer may not be adequately qualified to work with aggression.

What Methods Do You Use to Train Dogs?

Different Denver dog training professionals use different methods to train dogs. Some might use correction–based techniques. In contrast, others might employ positive reinforcement or a balance between the two to work with dogs.

Before hiring a dog trainer, it is essential to ask them what technique they employ to teach your canine friend. It would be best if you chose a trainer whose approach is comfortable for you and your pet.

What Happens When Dog Doesn’t Respond Appropriately During the Training?

A trainer should use a positive reinforcement method, such as ignoring or redirecting your dog to appropriate alternative behavior. Steer clear of trainers who snap the leash or use verbal reprimands to stop the undesired behavior.

How Do They Identify Stress, Anxiety, or Fear During Training?

During the training, the trainer should continuously observe your dog for any signs of stress, anxiety, or fear. Some of these signs include:

  • Whining
  • Growling
  • Snarling
  • Snapping
  • Furrowed brow
  • Panting
  • Ear set flat back or far forward
  • Still legs
  • Lip licking
  • Tongue Flicks
  • Pacing

If your dog exhibits any behavior mentioned above during training, the professional should stop and reassess the situation before continuing with the lesson.

Wrapping Up

Don’t fall for fancy advertisements and marketing scams. Put up front all your doubts and queries. Hire an experienced Denver dog trainer who uses positive reinforcement. Beyond asking the questions mentioned above, you can observe the trainer in action to get an idea of their teaching style.

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