Jinal Gangani
Jinal Gangani
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Common Challenges Faced by International Students

The study abroad can be the most thrilling experience one can have in life, but it also has its own challenges. International students usually deal with special problems that are different from the ones that are usual for them and affect both their academic and personal lives. The author of this article explores the most usual problems they face and offers some simple ways to solve them.

Language Barriers

Language barriers stand by way of the biggest obstacles that international students encounter. A lot of students have a problem in understanding lectures, joining the discussion and completing the assignments in a non-native language. This results in the student's feeling of the loss of control, which in turn, causes the student to be agitated and the parents and teachers will be dissatisfied because the student will not do well in school.

Overcoming Language Barriers

To overcome language barriers, international students can:To overcome language barriers, international students can:

- Enroll in language courses.
- Participate in the language exchange programs to be able to understand various cultures and languages.
- Use language learning apps.
- Please ask for guidance from tutors or language centers.

Cultural Adjustment

Switching to a new culture spells out many challenges. The cultural disparities may affect the communication modes and the daily activities. Students might be faced with the culture shock that will make them feel all alone and homesick at the same time.

Easing Cultural Adjustment

Here are some tips to ease cultural adjustment:Here are some tips to ease cultural adjustment:
- Cultural orientation is a part of community building and participate in the cultural orientation programs.
- Put on a gold star in your resume in order to show you loved those activities which focused in the cultural clubs or the student organizations.
- Acquire acquaintances with the people living in the city.
- Maintain the contact with the relatives and friends back home.


Homesickness is a quite usual problem among the international students. The absence of family and friends in a foreign place may create emotional problems.

Coping with Homesickness

To cope with homesickness, students can:To cope with homesickness, students can:
- Take necessary steps to keep in touch with family and friends.
- Participate in campus activities.
- Turn your home into a cozy and welcoming place to live in.
- Get help from counseling.

Financial Challenges

Numerous students from abroad are plagued by financial difficulties. Tuition fees, living expenses, and other related costs can easily become a barrier. Also, the applicants of the part-time work can be faced with the problem of the visa restrictions.

Managing Financial Challenges

To manage financial challenges, students should:To manage financial challenges, students should:
- Draw a plan and follow it.
- Take advantage of scholarships and grants.
- Look for part-time job opportunities which do not violate the visa rules.
- Students should avail themselves of the student discounts and deals.

Here are some tips: Top 10 Ways to Make Money in the USA

Social Integration

The task of establishing a social network in a new country is often hard. The foreign students could be in a difficult situation to make friends and feel like they are a part of the campus community.

Improving Social Integration

To improve social integration, students can:To improve social integration, students can:
Join the social events and activities and be a part of them.
- Volunteer for campus organizations.
- Enroll into clubs and sports teams.
- Join group activities and participate in class talks.

Mental Health Issues

The process of adjusting to a new environment is a stressful experience and can have a negative impact on mental health. On the other hand, the international students may suffer from anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.

Maintaining Mental Health

Maintaining mental health involves:

- Consulting counseling services to overcome the problem.
- The former method of the most common stress-relief techniques in the form of -meditation and exercise being practiced.
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
- Building a support network.

Accommodation Issues

The task of locating the right accommodation usually proves to be a challenge. Internationally, students might have troubles in finding cheap and easy housing.
Finding Suitable Accommodation

Students can find suitable accommodation by:

- Students can find suitable accommodation by:
- Starting the search early.
- Exploring university housing options.
- Searching for websites and local newspapers or magazines.


International students have to deal with different problems, but with proper assistance and tactics, they can surpass these obstacles and flourish in their new place. Through the elimination of language problems, the adaptation to new cultures, the overcoming of homesickness, the proof of financial difficulties, the academic pressure, the social integration, the mental health issues, and the accommodation problems, students will be able to have a great and successful study abroad experience.

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Jinal Gangani