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Discover Home Remedies For Dry Cheek and Sore Throat

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Dry Cough Treatment

Home remedies for dry cough can help you get a quick, effective relief from your cold. Coughs are caused by mucus that is not drained from the lungs. If this mucus blocks the air passages in the lungs it causes inflammation and pain. The following home remedies for dry cough can help to alleviate your condition. Herbal medicine is also an effective and safer way to relieve your symptoms.

Home remedies for dry cough can help to relieve the symptoms quickly. An easy and fast remedy is to use a teaspoonful of ground Cayenne pepper in hot water over the sore throat. Aspirin, and other cough medications can also be utilized to ease the pain from your throat. Some herbs that have antibacterial properties such as marshmallow root are also helpful for relieving irritation in the throat.

Certain foods can cause an onset of cough and colds, these include cow's milk, soy products, eggs, wheat and peanut products, soy sauce, cheese, wheat germ, and environmental irritants such as cigarette smoke, dust, pollen, chemicals and odors. These foods that make a persons' allergies worse can also worsen a persons' susceptibility to irritants. In order to stay healthy individuals should make sure that they are well-informed regarding what they are putting into their bodies. Individuals with allergies need to stay away from any foods that they are sensitive to in order to remain safe and prevent a worsening of their ailment.

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Dry Cough Treatment

Home remedies for colds and allergies can include drinking plenty of water, which helps to flush out the system and help the individual to keep their body properly hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is extremely important because of its ability to clear the digestive system of any excess mucus or fluid and therefore makes one feel full even though they are not eating much. This allows the person with allergies to reduce the effects of the common cold or allergies by drinking more water throughout the day.

Salt Water gargles are also used as one of the home remedies for dry cough and sore throat. The salt water gargles relieve the sore throat by hydrating the throat tissues and allowing the individual to reduce the amount of inflammation that is in the throat. A teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of water before gargling with can also be very effective. Some individuals use a mixture of baking soda and water as a home remedy for colds. The baking soda and water mixture can be sprayed onto the sore throat in order to bring instant relief.

Other home remedies for allergic reactions can include taking high doses of Vitamin B complex supplements, taking a hot bath, applying paste made from raw honey to the affected areas, or using herbal teas to relieve symptoms. These are just a few of the home remedies for allergic reactions that can be very effective at treating the symptoms immediately rather than waiting for the results of prescription medications or over-the-counter medications. The benefit of these natural home remedies for cough is that many of them are inexpensive, require no medical supervision, and are considered safe. The only caution is to see a doctor if the symptoms do not subside after three days of treatment.

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health cure