Genesis Foundation
Genesis Foundation
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Making A Lasting Impact With A Gift In Your Will

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People have increasingly become aware and sensitive towards societal issues in recent times. They have started realising their responsibility towards the world they’re a part of. Even the perspectives of organisations have undergone a metamorphosis - from being solely concerned with making profits to also working towards the betterment of society.

This shift in perspective and increased sensitivity can be majorly attributed to the relentless work of a plethora of organisations, such as Genesis Foundation, an NGO for child heart surgery, that have worked day and night to raise awareness, incubate sensitivity, a change in thought process and persuade the citizens of the world to invest time, money and effort in acts of compassion that will beget a positive change and help enhance the quality of life of the less fortunate.

A lot of us are privileged and fortunate enough to have the necessary resources or access to the routes to arrange these resources to lead dignified lives. However, there is a major chunk of the society that struggles to lead even basic lives of dignity. Their struggles may range from inability to access and acquire proper medical attention and care, lack of education, poverty, malnutrition, gender discrimination, discrimination based on sexual orientation, lack of proper psychological aid, and the list can go on interminably.

Every bit, every act of compassion, as big or as small as it may be, any form - whether monetary both directly or through charitable donations online, kind or effort that it may be in, makes a difference. We as a society need to realise the potential we hold to beget change and enhance the lives of others. Every bit counts. Every bit means a colossal amount to those receiving the aid. Jackie Chan once said “ Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life” .

There are, of course, ways aplenty to contribute towards a cause that resonates with you. One in particular that has come to light recently is “Legacy Giving.” So, what is Legacy Giving?

Legacy Giving is essentially the act of leaving a gift (a donation) in your will.

Here’s what I love about Legacy Giving the most - you get to make an impact even when you’re not around. For some of us, these acts of compassion hold a lot of importance. It feels good to be able to help someone in any way possible. And to be able to continue to do so both during and after one’s life, is definitely a heartwarming pill of the feeling of fulfilment.

Benefits of Legacy Giving: Make a lasting impact: It helps you make a more lasting impact. It allows you to make a timeless commitment to contributing towards a cause that resonates with you or is close to your heart.

Financial/ Tax benefits: Legacy giving allows for certain tax and financial advantages that benefit the giver. These advantages can be leveraged and help ensure that the donor receives maximum benefit for their compassionate acts.

Sense of fulfilment: Any act of giving leads to a sense of fulfilment in the donor. Knowing that you have made an effort to help make someone else’s life better brings in a feeling of joy and a sense of purpose.

Helping support future generations: It helps support the generations to come in ways of healthcare, education, climate change, environmental issues and other societal issues that require attention and support. It helps ensure an equitable and bright future for those to come.

Promulgating values of benevolence: An impactful act of compassion helps instil the ideas and values that align with benevolence. It helps demonstrate why these acts of kindness are important and how they are beneficial to society. More often than not, an act of legacy giving by one individual is likely to inspire others who have the resources to do the same, who in turn will inspire many others to make this timeless commitment towards acts of benevolence.

If you would like to leave a lasting impact, contact Genesis Foundation at It is an NGO for child heart surgery that facilitates the medical treatment of underprivileged children born with a congenital heart defect. In most cases a single intervention can give a child a chance to live a near normal life. More than 200,000 children are born with a heart defect in India each year. Only 25% of these children are able to access life changing interventions. Most children either face long term health consequences or in some cases die. Help make a lasting change.


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Genesis Foundation