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EnviropureFX Google
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Residential Portable PCO Air Purifier EPFX DM900

• EPFX DM900 Residential Portable PCO Air Purifier which is 5-in-1 Clean Air Machine offers the ultimate in air filtration and sterilization. This patented combination uses HEPA, UVC Germicidal Light (non ozone producing) and Photo Catalytic Oxidation. It removes and destroys allergens, lung damaging atmospheric dust, biological and chemical contaminants and odors, such as toluene, benzene, cooking odors, tobacco & cannabis smoke and odors, bacteria, viruses, mold and lots more.

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• Ideal for residential and commercial applications where there are allergy/ respiratory sufferers, new construction odors, smokers, pets, mold, water & sewer damage, garbage disposal rooms, cannabis manufacturing processes and more.

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