empresasmadrid.eu empresasmadrid1
empresasmadrid.eu empresasmadrid1
el catálogo más profundo de compañías en Madrid https://t.co/ORHMtxgxlf Nuevos clientes y perfil de confianza para tu negocio.
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How we created a platform for companies

We are from Spain. We have been sole proprietors of companies ourselves for over than 6 years when we understood the difficulty of publishing more to reach out to relevant clients. Businesses have to be active online, spend enormous amount of time to find new customers, breathe life into social networks on daily basis, as well as do all the accounting, sales, etc... Do even small businesses need to do this all by themselves or hire someone who is going to charge you loads of money?

Before creating https://empresasmadrid.eu, we spent years in building our own companies, both in digital marketing and web development. We have been living in Spain, seeing that the majority of companies are small scale, thus having humble budgets, and running on that permits years and years before all sorts of crisis. We wanted to support the locals, so we created a database for trustable companies that we ran just on the force of 2 people. The database was growing fast: company owners wanted to list, and clients wanted to share their experience with others, good or bad one.
During the first year, it was absolutely free to add a listing, then when we understood that our catalogue is full of absolutely reliable businesses, we closed down the inscription and gave out promotional vouchers for those who wished to list.
If you find this article, you may like to get one, so here we go, follow the plan:
- write us a message in the contact form and mention hashtap.com
- we will add your company to the database absolutely for free
- then you can share the link with your customers so they write recommendations and reviews on their experience with you.

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empresasmadrid.eu empresasmadrid1
el catálogo más profundo de compañías en Madrid https://t.co/ORHMtxgxlf Nuevos clientes y perfil de confianza para tu negocio.