Emma Jones
Emma Jones
Lis 5 minutes

Remedying PDF Accessibility: Techniques for Making PDF Documents Accessible

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PDF is the most vital document used across various industries. Most of the documents are shared in PDF format. Therefore, the requirement of making PDF accessible is a mandate. Because of this reason, only pdf accessibility has raised concern among industries because, as per the accessibility laws and standards, it is mandatory to make pdf documents accessible to the ones who are with different disabilities.

In this blog, we will learn about some techniques that can help in making pdf documents accessible. It includes adding alt text, adjusting text and color contrast, proper document structure, and making the PDF forms accessible. We will learn in detail about how these techniques help and why they are important.

Additionally, there are several tools available to check for accessibility in PDF documents. These tools allow users to identify and fix any accessibility issues in the document. Making documents accessible will ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, can access the information that is being provided.

Some of the Techniques for Remedying PDF Accessibility

In this section, we will discuss the techniques used for pdf accessibility remediation.

Let’s begin:

Adding Alternative Text descriptions

When making your content and pdf documents more accessible, adding alternative text is the first and most important step. Alternative text (alt text) is a brief description of an image, graphic, char, icon, or any other visual element that is read aloud by screen readers, allowing.

To add alt text to an image, you can right-click on the image and select “Edit Alt Text” or “Alt Text,” depending on the software you use. Write a brief and precise description of the image in the text box provided. For charts and graphs, provide a brief summary of the information represented in the graph. It is important to keep alt text concise and to the point.

Please note that the maximum limit of characters in the alt text is 125, and it is suggested to use the alt text within the character limit.

Adding alternative text descriptions in the images or visual content makes your content more accessible and inclusive for all users. And attain pdf accessibility is one of the important steps. Therefore, take time to add alt text to your images, charts, and graphs to ensure everyone who is accessing the PDF can understand your content.

Adjusting Text and Color Contrast

The second step to PDF accessibility remediation is to a text and color contrast in PDF documents. Without proper contrast, text can sometimes be very difficult to read, especially for one with visual impairments.

Therefore, to adjust text and color contrast in PDF documents, a few options are available. One of them is to adjust the color scheme of the document to ensure that the text stands out against the background. Another option includes the adjustment of font size and weight to increase the contrast between text and background.

It is also important to consider the use of high-contrast colors for charts and graphs. By making these adjustments, PDF documents can be made more inclusive and easier to read for all users.

For example, when creating a chart, you could choose to use bright colors to indicate the data points and a darker color to indicate the background, making the chart easier to access for those with vision impairments.

Proper Document Structuring

The proper document structure is crucial when it comes to creating a well-organized and easily navigable PDF document. A properly structured document not only makes it easier for the readers to understand the content but also helps to improve its overall usability and readability.

One of the key elements of proper document structure is to use the heading and tags. Headings allow the readers to quickly identify the main sections of the documents, while tags help to define the semantic structure of the content. With the use of headings and tags, you can ensure that your document is properly organized and that the content is easily accessible to all readers, including those with disabilities.

Using headings and tags effectively by following a consistent and logical hierarchy. The main heading, H1, should be the most important and should be followed by subheadings, such as H2 and H3, that are related to the main topic. You can also use tags to indicate the type of content, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, and tables.

In addition to using headings and tags, you should also consider using other formatting options like bold, italic, and underlining to emphasize important information or points in the document. When conducted with headings and tags, these formatting options can create a well-structured and easily navigable document that is visually appealing and informative.

Making PDF Forms Accessible

When it comes to creating accessible PDF documents, PDF forms are also required to be made accessible to every kind of user. Accessible PDF forms are also a part of PDF remediation and are designed to be easily navigable and functional, regardless of the person who is using the forms.

To make these PDF forms accessible, incorporating PDF remediation services is essential. The required part is to label and structure each form field properly. This includes providing concise and clear descriptions of each field and using appropriate formatting techniques such as heading and bullet points. Additionally, to ensure that the form is compatible with assistive technologies such as screen readers so that users with visual or other disabilities can easily navigate the form.

Considering these steps can help make PDF forms accessible, ensuring that all users can easily access them effectively and efficiently.

For instance, using a logical tab order to navigate through a form, adding descriptive labels to all form elements, and creating a text-only version are all helpful steps to making a PDF more accessible.


Overall, PDF accessibility is incredibly important to ensure that PDF documents are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Implementing techniques like adding alt text to images, using proper heading structures, ensuring that the forms are fillable, and adjusting text and color contrast can help you in making PDF documents accessible. As we move forward, it is crucial to prioritize accessibility in all aspects of document creation and distribution.

PDF is the most vital document used across various industries. Most of the documents are shared in PDF format. Therefore, the requirement of making PDF accessible is a mandate. Because of this reason, only pdf accessibility has raised concern among industries because, as per the accessibility laws and standards, it is mandatory to make pdf documents accessible to the ones who are with different disabilities.

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Emma Jones