Dr. Dean M. Zusmer
Dr. Dean M. Zusmer
Dr. Dean M. Zusmer is a Miami Beach Native, Florida Licensed Chiropractic Physician. https://www.drdeanmiami.com/
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What a Chiropractor Can Do for You After a Car Accident in Miami

Car accidents always cause an injury. That injury could be external or internal, depending upon how severe that accident was and how you got hit in it.

Since the accident causes your adrenaline to flow, you may not feel pain immediately after the accident. This pain may even take weeks for you to notice. But, by then, it may have done more damage to your body than just causing pain.

Get the Best Treatment for Internal Injuries

Back pain and whiplash are two of the most common internal injuries that are caused by an accident. You can get them treated by visiting a leading Miami accident clinic near you. There, a chiropractor will attend to you and help you get rid of them at the earliest.

A chiropractor helps you with all the following:

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· Reduce Inflammation: You experience inflammation when your body’s muscles and ligaments experience micro-tears across the body. A standard x-ray machine can’t even detect these micro-tears. A chiropractor can identify their locations and can help push your spine back into its original position to reduce the sense of inflammation and discomfort.

· Look into Long-Term Injuries: Most car accident injuries when not treated on time can become long-term trouble for you. You may experience chronic pain that can affect your movement and lifestyle more than you expected them to. A chiropractor can treat those injuries before they become chronic, and so that your future life isn’t affected by them.

· Treat You without Medication or Surgeries: Chiropractors treat your internal injuries without using any kind of equipment or medication. They don’t require to conduct invasive surgeries as well. All they do is use their hands or hand-held devices to push your entire spine and musculoskeletal system into their original position. That restores your range of motion and enables your body’s self-healing.

· Reduce Formation of Scar Tissues: Scar tissues are formed when an injury does not heal completely. A chiropractor can help break down these scar tissues so that they can be replaced by healthy ones. This enables your body to recover completely from the injury.

· Reduce The Intensity of Pain: Even if you get hit in certain parts of your body in an accident, you can feel the sense of pain throughout your body. When chiropractors make spinal adjustments, they help you get rid of all that pain instantly! The affected areas will also start feeling less stiff and sore after each session.

· Bring You Back on Your Feet in No Time: Chiropractors do everything in their power to ensure that you are able to rid yourself of any pain that an accident can cause. They need your assistance to identify the painful areas so that they can target them and help you recover faster.

If you want to seek a claim from insurance for your injuries, you will need to submit every medical document to them. That will include the certificate for chiropractic care. Since you get very limited time to submit it, you must approach a chiropractor as soon as possible after the accident. This will not only help you get the document but also ensure that you recover faster from your injuries and without experiencing any chronic pain.

A chiropractor may need more than a few visits from you, depending upon how severe your injury is. They will also suggest certain lifestyle changes that can help your body recover faster.

You can trust your chiropractor and they will make sure that your trust is put in the right place.

Call your nearest accident clinic in Miami to undergo treatment under the able guidance of a chiropractor today.

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Dr. Dean M. Zusmer
Dr. Dean M. Zusmer is a Miami Beach Native, Florida Licensed Chiropractic Physician. https://www.drdeanmiami.com/