Dr. Dean M. Zusmer
Dr. Dean M. Zusmer
Dr. Dean M. Zusmer is a Miami Beach Native, Florida Licensed Chiropractic Physician. https://www.drdeanmiami.com/
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How Sleep Impacts Recovery Of Your Car Accident Injuries

Sleep — An Important Investment For Recovery

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Getting between 6 and 8 hours of sleep is essential for good health and a sound mind. But did you know that a good amount of sleep also speeds up your recovery process from car accident injuries? Yes, you read that right.

If you do not get enough shut eye, your injuries heal slower and you take longer to recover. An injured body needs a lot of rest and good amounts of sleep to heal and regain its strength.

The Scientific Connect Between Sleep And Recovery

The science behind sleep and recovery shows that as we slowly drift into deep sleep, the blood flow in our muscles increases. This rise in the flow of blood carries with it large amounts of oxygen and beneficial nutrients. The two together work to repair and regenerate cells at the site of injury and thus fasten the recovery phase.

When you manage to sleep around 8 hours during your injury recovery phase, you give a good amount of time to your injured muscles and tissues to repair and rejuvenate. The chiropractic professionals at our Miami car accident clinic prescribe a good number of hours of sleep during treatment.

The levels of hormones in your body play a role too. At the time when you are in the deep sleep stage, your pituitary gland releases growth hormones. Muscle repair and growth happen due to these growth hormones.

When you do not get adequate rest and sleep, the secretion of your growth hormone decreases. This decline makes it harder for your body to heal and make a recovery.

Another hormone called prolactin which is also released during sleep, helps regulate the inflammation that results from injury. That is why when you don’t get enough sleep, the inflammation in your body does not subside. At times this can increase the risk of further injury.

Sleep allows the different chemical and physiological reactions to occur which balances the secretion of various hormones in our body and helps it to heal well.

How And Where You Sleep Matters Too

Since you are in the recovery phase and want your car accident injuries to heal faster, it is also essential to understand the best position to sleep in. Even a slightly incorrect sleeping position can further injure you or make your current injury worse.

Here are a few points to keep in mind while sleeping:

● Adopt a sleeping position that does not aggravate your injury.

● Use a mattress that promotes sleep and good recovery.

● Consult your auto accident doctor to understand and determine your ideal sleeping position. Chiropractors will advise you on what will be the right way to sleep during the recovery phase.

Sleep Gives Your Body Time To Heal

So, while it is important to restrict movement and not exercise when you are injured, sleeping an adequate number of hours is also extremely vital. Rest combined with good amounts of sleep hastens injury recovery and you are able to get back to your daily activities faster and stronger.

Let our experienced chiropractors handle your sleep concerns and injury pain. They understand how the quality of your sleep impacts your overall health and affects the healing process.

To speak to our chiropractic professionals at the Miami car accident clinic or to schedule an appointment you can call 305-389-9040 right away.

Dr. Dean M. Zusmer
Dr. Dean M. Zusmer is a Miami Beach Native, Florida Licensed Chiropractic Physician. https://www.drdeanmiami.com/