Deepali Uprari
Deepali Uprari
I am Deepali Uprari working at Outright CRM.
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Every Big advantage of SugarCRM Email to Lead Extension

Receiving emails from our leads means receiving profitable growth and development for our business today. Daily, whenever we receive emails from our potential customers we start making records in the SugarCRM software. Now just imagine getting a bunch of emails and you have to create and update records in the SugarCRM software. Don’t you think it takes a lot of time and halts other crucial tasks? Nobody likes to stop business productivity. Therefore, what we believe is having a great add-on like SugarCRM Email to Lead is a real gift.

What is SugarCRM Email to Lead plugin?

Managing your leads with ease when having evergreen secure products like Email to Lead. It helps you to create and update the records in SugarCRM modules with no human involvement. Is it really the truth? Let us inform you that the extension creates records automatically to save your time and money with no error. Don’t call anyone or hire a separate team for the record-creation process. This extension is above all and gives you the top-most benefits to refresh your experience.

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SugarCRM Email To Lead

For Instance: From the past few days, my team members are totally involved in the task of creating records in CRM software. They received lots of emails from our potential customers. They start with the game of copy-paste of well-structured data in email and do this all the time. Tell us something: is it a creative task or you already found this tedious? Chances are a little bit high when your team can make a mistake when creating records. This is why you must plan to pour your investment into this affordable plugin called SugarCRM Email to Lead. It will do this automatically without your efforts. Your creating-updating records under a vigorous add-on of today’s era.

Industries that should Purchase this Extension

If we are talking about “Receiving Emails” then every industry gets this from their prospects/customers. There are so many sectors that must strive for this latest plugin to save their valuable time. Allow us to mention the names: Real Estate Business, Call center organization, IT industry, Banking Business, Hotel business, and there are many more. A robust extension is everyone’s requirement, so stop your search and adapt this exhilarating product for your business.

“Email to Lead plugin may cost you $999.00”

Key functionalities of Email to Lead plugin for business

  • If my team earlier created records in the Lead module and now they want the new records to be curated in the Opportunites module then it's possible. Users are free to choose from whichever module they want the record to be created easily.
  • One of the vital and uncommon functions for your assistance is Mapping of Field. We are providing this latest feature in this plugin. It helps your CRM system to parse the information and select fields for that. Beneficial for businesses of all sizes!
  • If I want to see “Unseen Emails” or “Plugin After Installation emails” then you can get that. Introducing the feature called “Fetch Emails where you can select emails according to your choice. There are many options available there.
  • The team of your business received two inbound emails with a similar email address and subject line. The extension called SugarCRM Email to Lead will prevent such emails from being duplicate. Even if the phone numbers are also the same in both the emails.
  • Users can also go to Customer Source Settings to save the email address of the FROM field. Even it offers the functionality of Body Email Mapper to fetch the email addresses of your prospects/leads.

“This secure product of Outright Store is compatible with every SugarCRM version”.

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Deepali Uprari
I am Deepali Uprari working at Outright CRM.