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Barriga The game has basically gone through every system of the game

Nervig: Correct. Actually, on that note, Pandaren and Demon Hunters are able to communicate cross-faction today WOW WOTLK Classic Gold . Once Demon Hunters metamorphosize, they speak Demonic. Therefore, two metamorphosed Demon Hunters can talk to each other. It was an oddity that we thought, "Yeah, okay, it's logical." And Pandaren are always an anomaly. They're neutral, and then when they choose Horde or Alliance they are unable to remember the other? We were like, "Fine, we're letting this line get crossed. Let Pandaren all speak Pandaren."

Barriga The game we created wasn't designed with any kind of motion system that relies on player input This is why it's very conservative in that end. The majority of our engineers had to take a look at the game's design, and the way the engine operated to do what an action game would be able to do: double jumping, glides and all kinds of almost twitch-based gameplay. We didn't even know if it would actually work.

There was a point when the engineer would say "Well I've am sure you got everything you've ever wanted except the capability to change direction during a double jump." I was like, "Okay, well, it's possible that we don't beat them all." When I got into it, I played it , and I was like, "What are you talking about? It actually worked." It was almost magical to get everything into the room.

Barriga The game has basically gone through every system of the game, and many of them which were showing their age have been upgraded. New PvP system, new profession system - one of the most exciting things is the way that players can gain experience and increase their level in Legion. We basically have a world with five zones. Prior to this, you needed to choose "What are two low level zones that I begin my expansion in?"

Now we have world-scaling, which basically lets us say: If you choose to enter Azuna at level 100 and it's level 100 for you, but in the event that you play Azuna at the end and your companion is level 108. you could group together. The level will be 108 for him, 100 for you, and you'll both contribute and both receive appropriate awards.The Blu-ray edition comes with several exclusives, including motion comics with a documentary that spans multiple parts on the release of World of Warcraft to film as well as a featurette on wax World of Warcraft figures, as well as the teaser, which was presented at San Diego ComicCon in 2013.

The motion comic is an action-packed story that centers around Prince Llane, Captain Lothar, in addition to Guardian Medivh. The documentary is, however is a comprehensive look at everything from acting and stunts as well as visual effects and mocap buy WOTLK Gold .On top of that both Blu-ray as well as DVD versions include deleted scenes, a gag reel, an origin story, a feature on World of Warcraft 's fandom as well as a glimpse at the effects on visuals in addition to facial capture tech.

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