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Single Dad Reveals How He Earns $3,600 Every Day Working From Home - He Claims Anyone Can Do It & Shows How On 'Today Extra'!

'It's the best opportunity I’ve ever had!'

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Appearing on 'Today Extra' show - Nathaniel Williams, a single dad who manages to make a steady profit thanks to an automated Bitcoin trading platform, called Bitcoin System. Today he earns around $3,600 every day without having to leave his home. The idea that caught his eye on the internet was simple: allow the average person the opportunity to cash in on the Bitcoin boom. Even if they have absolutely no investing or technology experience.

A user would simply make an initial deposit into the platform, usually of $250 or more, and the automated trading algorithm would go to work. Using a combination of data and machine learning, the algorithm would know the perfect time to buy Bitcoin low and sell high, maximising the user's profit.

To demonstrate the power of the platform Nathaniel had persuaded Sonia Kruger to deposit $250 live on the show.

After her initial deposit for $250 was made, the trading platform went to work buying low and selling high. Within 3 minutes, she had successfully increased her initial funds to $483.18. That's a $233.18 profit.

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David Campbell amazed to see the profit Sonia Kruger made using Bitcoin System (Image:

"I've heard about Bitcoin and the massive amount of money you can make from it, but I've never bought any. I had no idea where to start. This was really easy, I can just use my credit card to deposit money, and it buys them for me." - Sonia Kruger

Everyone on the show including the production staff were immediately impressed by how easy it was to make money. The platform handles all the trading work automatically, and because the price of Bitcoin is quite volatile, there are numerous opportunities to profit.

Before Nathaniel even had a chance to respond to everyones questions, Sonia interrupted and said with a smile on her face: "I've gone up to $398.42 after just 8 minutes".

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Sonia and David eager to invest more in Bitcoin System (Image:

"Bitcoin is so hot right now, and even if someone like Sonia, no offence Sonia, can make money from it, I'm all in. I need to have a piece of this!" - David Campbell

If you had invested just $100 in Bitcoin back in 2010 you would now enjoy dividends of $75 Million!

We decided to put Bitcoin System to the test, to see if it was really possible for you to make money using the platform.

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carlos intora